Pamac - doesn't work properly anymore

:thinking: When I installed vanilla arch/cinnamon on my 2nd pc ooh 2 weeks ago i used yay -S pamac-tray-appindicator after install, then a few days ago i did a yay -S pamac-aur-git & my pamac-tray-appindicator is still there & working… :thinking: :thinking: Is it not suppose to work with the newer pamac?

Same here, pacman finds 2 updates, Pamac-aur-git nothing.
After updating the d-base in Pamac it finds the 2 updates aswell.

Das ist bei mir auch genau so.

Pamac-aur-git findet beim ersten Start nichts. Aber auch beim Refresh, nur sporadisch etwas.
Während bei der Update Abfrage via dem Terminal etwas angezeigt wird.
Octopi zeigt auch immer korrekt und zuverlässig etwaige Updates an.

Ich habe das einige male getestet , bzw. beobachtet. Immer, oder zumeist, das gleiche Ergebnis.
Daher, an der Stelle, IMHO, sehr unzuverlässig.

Ich kann das sogar auf 2 Rechnern beobachten, dieses Verhalten.
Auf dem einen Rechner werkelt EOS Cinnamon, und auf dem anderen EOS KDE Plasma.

Das mit dem Notifer , also der Benachrichtigung, das ist bei mir vollkommen deaktiviert. Denn ich rufe, frage, mindestens 1 bis 2 mal täglich via Terminal ab, auf Updates.

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yep, pamac 10.x seems to be broken or there is a manjaro hook missing for pamac 10.x

I have pamac-aur-git installed and haven’t had any issues. It has just just updated recently also.


Same. I finally gave up on Pacman, started getting buggy, not refreshing as pointed out above. I now use both Bauh and Octopi, and they work flawlessly. Octopi has global menu support, so that is a bonus. They both have taskbar notification apps you can download as well, that allow you to change their icons if need be, also a bonus.

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I think if i was going to switch i would go with Bauh. I just never could get used to Octopi.


Octopi use to be severely buggy, but it has come along way. I still prefer Bauh and also use its taskbar notifier. Its updating is a little confusing. You have to remember to select the ‘synchronization’ in the menu options to pull in all the AUR updates. They should really bring this out of the menu option and just make it a feature button.

strange … I can start “pamac-tray &” via terminal without any error messages, it shows in terminal

pamac-tray &** Message: 18:17:08.933: updates_checker.vala:64: check updates
** Message: 18:17:09.231: updates_checker.vala:94: 0 updates found

but when using pamac-tray in autostart I get many coredump errors & pamac-timer or service did not start the tray icon …

however, also w/ pamac-tray > 0 updates found

So, after years, I gave my pamac-aur a full-day test as my main notification & update tool. Everything runs buttery smooth, here. I set the notifier to every 30 minutes to speed up the test. I got all the notifications, as set, plus all pending updates.
Since you mentioned bauh, however, this seems to be working at its own will, ever since I installed it. It does bring on notifications after boot, but I cannot always trust it for this task afterwards. Sometimes it does, most of the times it does not.
Moreover, again at its own will, it cannot find any updates (when I know that they are there waiting to be downloaded), & I manually ask it to.
It has NEVER* let me down when I update either with pacman or pamac (now that I am testing it). Then, the bauh notifier…turns on. :rofl:


I just run my own ‘notifier’ in conky, and use pacman for updates, and (when I think of it) yay for AUR updates. My notifier runs a scrolling list of all pending repo updates, so I can look if interested. an decide whether to update now or later. Because it runs always, it does not distract as they come in - it is just available information…

Behind the scenes it uses checkupdates (and checkupdatesext from @manuel), so there are no misses or anomalies (or sync issues) to deal with…


same here

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temporary fix for KDE/Plasma
copy following files from a manjaro KDE installation (req. pamac-tray-plasma) to EOS

  • /usr/bin/pamac-tray-plasma
  • /etc/xdg/autostart/pamac-tray-plasma.desktop
cp pamac-tray-plasma /usr/bin
cp pamac-tray-plasma.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart
chmod 0755 /usr/bin/pamac-tray-plasma
chmod 0644 /etc/xdg/autostart/pamac-tray-plasma.desktop


Funny thing is Pamac found updates yesterday from the gui and without refreshing the database.
But today it stopped again, strange since I did not have an update for Pamac in between…

What changed on my side is that now pamac notifications no longer tell me how many new packages are available. It just tells me there are updates available.

In prior versions it would tell me the number of packages needing updates in the popup notification.

After being on this forum for over a year I have been convinced to only update from terminal :slight_smile: so I use yay to update, anyway, and used pamac as notifier only and sometimes to check some details of certain packages (like dependencies, files, etc).

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I don’t need to be notified, there are updates every day. :slightly_smiling_face:


Exactly! Who needs an update notifier in a rolling release?


So true! Who needs even the keyboard on rolling release? i do control my systems with my mind instead :control_knobs: :brain:


After yesterdays update the update function is working again.

…and today it couldn’t find any updates again…