Pacdif and meld on a packdiff new file that showed up about passwords has my system hosed up

My system never required me to logon before now it requires it and asks for my password, and doesn’t accept it.

How do I get back into it? How do I then undo the results of the pacdiff and meld?

Why was this change implemented? Makes no sense?

What did you actually do? Did you overwrite /etc/passwd from the pacnew? That would delete your user or maybe all the users…

It was a merge. I hit the arrow to merge the new one with the old, then saved the file.

That should not have broken your system. Take a look at /etc/passwd now. Make sure you don’t have two entries for root

It was one big block of new stuff.

In which file?

problem is I can’t get in. I have gone into tty mode, from normal screen it asks for login and password, never did that before, and won’t take the info. Just says invalid login.

pacnew password (new) file

I’m avoiding updating my other machines. This update is broken. I didn’t do anything different then other files like this and trusted the update,

I don’t think it is broken but you can’t just accept a pacnew merge like that. You sometimes have to merge them manually.

Have you tried logging in as root?

I don’t know the difference between merge manually and the merge command. I thought that was manual. You see two screens the old file and the new one, there are arrows that point in both directions from one file to the other, and you manually select which ones to copy across.

I can’t access any directories. All I have is a login prompt on tty. I can’t get past that.

I did see something about using a liveCD, to recover. That may be what I have to do.

I found this. But that will be fun.

Did you try logging in as root instead of your normal user?

When you do that, you have to read and be sure to understand the implications of the merge. If you can’t just blindly merge them.

If you don’t understand the changes, it is better just to not merge.

That probably isn’t what you need to do. You probably need to repair your passwd file.

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O.K. I’m in as root.

I see about not blindly trusting updates. Though I think someone here told me I couldn’t disregard them or delete them, or something like that. Oh well.

You should have a backup of your old passwd file at /etc/passwd- (notice the hyphen at the end).


Program eos-pacdiff by default gives a warning about the dangers of merging /etc/passwd …

I’m in the etc diectory, tty mode means that ls -l spools down your screen real quick, but from this point typing cd passwd- doesn’t see it.

Don’t know, never saw it. Don’t even know why this happened.

ls -l passwd*

Both are files, look at their contents.

BTW, are you in TTY of the installed system and not livecd?

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