Opinion about GarudaLinux

We use micro which is better than any other terminal text editor that i have encountered

Xorg-xkill isnt installed


Gobble Gobble!
Greetings! Yeah, idk, people who are used with nano will be left confused. I like the distro but upgrading to ultimate will be a pain since most of the packages are hit with a ā€œtimed outā€ error. Overall, i hope it improves!
Also, it would be a good job if you guys offer something else but the macOS-like desktop layout.

Well everyone has first times

No one will use better stuff if they cling to old ones

We at garuda dont care about whats used by most we try to use whats better

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I will never understand how nano became standard in so many distros. I mean, I get that it is more intuitive than vi or a line editor but it is less intuitive than almost everything else. There are so many better options these days.


I agree, but i got way to used with it, itā€™s hard to remember or even know (as librewish pointed out) the alternatives

So hang on, nano doesnā€™t work because itā€™s not installed by default, rather than it doesnā€™t run?

That sounds like an issue with your mirror list?

Anyway, thereā€™s a whole other forum if you ever decide to give it another go.

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Yeah, itā€™s kinda going offtopic, sorry :frowning:
Nano doesnā€™t work because yeah, itā€™s not installed. But regardless, Garuda is fantastic even with these tiny issues. Hope it grows!
Mods, feel free to close the topic. I enjoyed everybodyā€™s opinions and Iā€™m glad that people participated here!
Gobble gobble

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Iā€™ll stick with nano for what i need. :wink:

That seems kind of harsh - I still like it, even on ext4! I think I have worked out how to get it working well for me without that particular change, though :grin:

sudo pacman -Rdd getawayfrommeunwantedpackage

Actually this is why i dont run gentoo. There are packages pulled in that i dont want to contend with, namely gnome keyring that keeps getting pulled in. Gentoo advertises i can have my install the way i want it but apparently that only applies if the way i want it is the way the force it upon me. I dont like being force fed any packages.


but if that package is a depency, next update its just back :stuck_out_tongue:


Garuda is wayyyy too themed and reliant on latte. Otherwise itā€™s nice.

I donā€™t use KDEā€™s taskbars, pure Latte, and it runs better imo. Global menu drop-down menus work and look better, light on resources. No issue for me.

Funny, I didnā€™t notice thatā€¦ I wonder if it could be that I installed the XFCE version :rofl: (sorry - couldnā€™t resist).


ā€œbetterā€ is quite dependent on the userā€™s whims. Still, better is worth aiming for, especially when choice is available.


Itā€™s dependent on the maintainer, and the whole point of an opinionated distro.


Garuda is as isā€¦simple as that. :hugs:

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Is there any other benefits for btrfs than snapshots and copy-on-write ??
I would like to know that if any !

I can tell you that the website looks fantastic. Iā€™m actually super interested in trying out their bspwm and wayfire. Iā€™ve NEVER used wayfire. . . or even heard of it.

So, my opinion based on some photos on a very well put together website, is good. I now have an opinion.

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  • built in raid/mirroring/etc
  • snapshots and snapshot replication
  • storage flexibility in that subvolumes donā€™t need to be allocated to a set location on disk
  • built-in compression

Also, snapshots are really powerful and useful tool. Perhaps more than you think if you have never used them.