Opening URLs from anywhere (e.g. KeepassXC)


a strange phenomenon with URLs which I have now seen from different points of the system.

Using KeepassXC for your passwords you can save entries which include a username, password and often times a URL. In the overview for the password entries, the URL column is displayed, and on other installations I could click it and it would open in Firefox (default browser). However, on my fresh and crispy EOS something called “winebrowser” opens as a minimized taskbar entry, runs for barely 2 seconds, then closes, and the URL is not opened.

I checked if URLs have an entry in the file associations, and I found one:


I thought I had found the culprit, as the icon listed for rundll32 there is the icon that the “winebrowser” process has as well. But after adding Firefox to the top, the behaviour doesn’t change.

Where does EOS hide the association of URLs for the system?

Edit: Different points of the system means, from the launcher of a game I wanted to try I could not open URLs so that they open in a browser, but it wasn’t that important at that time.

I have Chromium as the default browser and KeepassXC opens the URL in Chromium. Maybe look at the default applications.

Hi SimonJ,

thanks, good idea, but that doesn’t seem to be it:


I changed this, it is opening an https link, not a url. You need to check that, not the .url shown above.

I’m sorry, I think I have a problem understanding you. You changed what? In file associations, I have no entry for HTTPS, do you have one?

My x-mswinurl is empty and the links from KeepassXC work fine. Check it if you want.
Also search for the html tag and check xhtml+xml (under applications).

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Well done. After clearing out both entries for x-mswinurl, it works. Cheers!

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Hm, too bad. After the problem reappeared, I set it on the back burner to be solved later. Today, I went through some keyword searches, and I found the answer.

As it turns out, when installing wine, by default the winemenubuilder builds integrations for wine into the local system, and one of these integrations is for URLs being opened by the winebrowser.

After removing all desktop integration files and updating the desktop, I can (hopefully finally) open URLs on my system with my default browser instead of winebrowser.

All information was found here.