Old tech bloke eos review

Welcome @OTB


Welcome aboard @OTB ! :smile:


Welcome OTB.

I often feel that we often don’t really know:

  1. How successful a person install is?

  2. What caused someone to change to a different distro.

It would be great if we had the ability to create a kind of check list so we could see how functional Linux is for a person. Where people have issues. Its almost like having volunteer testing to establish a baseline.

(Maybe 1 thing that Linus tech tips got right)

Additionally if you are on real hardware\bare metal it seems to me when your on a commercial laptop (e.g. Thinkpad) your likely to be more successful if it is atleast 3 years old. This has given time for the kernel and drivers to be mature.

Its also possible that some people think that everything should just work after installing the OS (like putting a fresh set of batteries in a remote). But really installing a new OS (no matter what version of Windows\OS2\Solaris\MAC OS<Pick a Linux> Flavor … well you need to research and go through a period tuning for your computer. This is where I feel many Youtubers do a poor job in communicating (if they think installing on Virtual box is a fair measuring stick).

There is a discipline I believe that needs to be there to patient to learn and tweak till you end up making your Linux a daily driver.

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Was thinking just that + the clear way of explaining that stuff, the non-chaotic way of going through menus and the super calm and BBC Radio-like voice.

You’re gonna be famous @OTB


Well just over 10k views after a week or so. It seems clear that there’s lot of Endeavour fans out there


Lol i just posted both those apps to reply to him also then realized you beat me to it by eleven days when i scrolled down