Ohai, another dutchie has arrived

Tis onvermijdelijk he…

Its inevitable for every community that it will be overrun with dutchies in the end :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh dear god, not here too :joy:

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That’s why you need to install the -git version from AUR. I believe it is tagged as version 42.


The main git repo for dash to panel listed on the AUR package doesnt have the updated code for gnome 40. Theres a forked repo that does, but im not sure that that is being used in there. Hence why I did the extension install manually.

I can upload a zip somewhere if people cant find it or cant manage. I have not yet learned howto make a package and i wouldnt want to pollute AUR with a package I wouldnt maintain after initial release (i see enough of that in AUR)

For me the forked code/update has worked well. I have noticed no issues and all the settings i have tested all work (unlike the dash to dock addon update code, which is rudimentary at best right now)