Here’s one that’s puzzling me. I’d be impressed and appreciative if anyone knows the solution.
In LXQt, when using a video conferencing app like Zoom or Jitsi-Meet, on clicking on the option for Screen Sharing I’m presented with the option of sharing any apps that are open on any desktop they might be open on.
However, I am perplexed that with Openbox, I only have the option of sharing apps on the particular desktop that the video conferencing app is using. For example, if I have Jitsi-Meet open on Desktop 1, and FreeTube open on Desktop 2, I am not presented with the option of sharing FreeTube. However, if FreeTube is open on Desktop 1, the same as Jitsi-Meet, there will be no problem.
In LXQt it doesn’t matter what desktop FreeTube might be open on, I’ll be able to share it, and this is the behavior I would like to have.
Any idea how it can be achieved in OpenBox?
Which compositor do you use in Openbox?
With OBS Studio, my Openbox shows all open Windows, including my Tint2 panel .
I use Picom. I am on Archcraft, though that should not matter, as it’s both Linux and Arch.
Just checked Discord web. Only shows current workspace windows.
Checked Zoom. Having the same results as you are. So, I’m thinking the screen sharing app may have something to do with it, or a combination of the app and window manager or compositor.
I am also using Picom. Interesting that with OBS Studio it showed all open windows. Hmmm… puzzling!
Just as an interesting aside, if I receive notification of your reply in Thunderbird and click on “Visit Topic” link, Vivaldi, my browser, gets moved to the same desktop as Thunderbird, whereas, again, in LXQt, Vivaldi stays on the desktop where it is. Preferred behavior for me. So OB must somehow handle desktops differently.
Not really. Of the three apps, only one is open source, and that same app actually cares about Linux in general. The other two treat Linux users as second-class citizens.
LXDE/LxQt is a little bit of a step-up as far as window managers are concerned, so they may have more similar app support to Xfce, Cinnamon, etc. compared to Openbox, Fluxbox, etc.