Nvidia wayland

has anyone gotten anything wayland to boot up with an nvidia gpu. im not sure im setting the drm right but i always get kicked back into the login screen when i try and start hyprland. Any tips would be appreciated

Nvidia on Wayland in general is pretty much supported at this point. Hyprland is a special case; my understanding is it mostly does not work.

There is a patch you can try installing, but the Hyprland folks are pretty open about the fact that it may or may not work and thatā€™s just how it is:

There is no official support for Nvidia. Unfortunately, their drivers are so messy, and their products so random, that itā€™s impossible for us to help if these instructions donā€™t work fully.

Every card seems to be random, and might work perfectly, or not work at all.

Nevertheless, itā€™s recommended to at least try this tutorial.

Here is the page with instructions if you want to give it a shot: https://wiki.hyprland.org/Nvidia/


i have dracut. will that change anything for me ?

Yes, it will change how you do this part:

in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf add nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm to your MODULES

To add these modules with dracut, follow the steps here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dracut#Early_kernel_module_loading

Early kernel module loading

Dracut enables early loading (at the initramfs stage, via modprobe) through itā€™s --force_drivers command or force_drivers+="" config entry line. For example:

# ... 
force_drivers+=" nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm " 
# ...

Then rebuild the initramfs.

sudo dracut-rebuild
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I am using Wayland on Kde with Nvidia. I have no experience with Hyprland. :man_shrugging:

for some reason dracut fails to find the modules with these added to the .conf

dracut-install: Failed to find module ā€˜nvidia_modsetā€™

however i do thing calling it out in the modprobe.d did enable it.

If that is the error message, then ā€œmodesetā€ has been typoā€™d (it is missing an ā€œeā€).

fixed ! thanks im a poor typist. working on it. ill try and follow the hypr instructions right down to the last bit and try again.