NVIDIA Optimus settings missing

I’ve just installed EndeavourOS and was following the wiki about installing Bumblebee.

yay -S --needed bumblebee mesa xf86-video-intel nvidia-390xx-dkms nvidia-390xx-utils lib32-nvidia-390xx-utils lib32-virtualgl bbswitch
sudo gpasswd -a $USER bumblebee

sudo gpasswd -a $USER video

sudo systemctl enable bumblebeed.service

sudo shutdown -r now

Then the says to run optirun -b none nvidia-settings -c :8 which I did but I’ve got an error [ 1294.875705] [ERROR]Error running "nvidia-settings": No such file or directory
Could I get some help please (new to Linux).

Maybe yay -S nvidia-390xx-settings solves your problem. Obviously the package is not installed. It’s not a dependency of the above listed packages.

That solved the problem. Thank you.