Nvidia nightmare on Asus N75SL laptop


So here comes anotherone, who struggels with getting the Nvidia card to run on a laptop from a time, when the earth was still a flat surface.

The Asus N75SL has a Nvidia GT635 chip in it, which is supported by the nvidia-390xx-driver. I’ve tried countless “how-to"s”, among them:

Bumblebee for Nvidia Optimus
Install Nvidia hybride graphics with Optimus and Vulkan support
Nvidia Optimus
Installing proprietary NVIDIA drivers on Arch Linux
Nvidia-installer-dmks with 390xx

The driver installed (sometimes) but inxi -Ga always showed Driver: N/A. Looks like it coudn’t connect to the monitor, but I don’t know. Maybe this laptop simply don’t work with Nvidia, but I thought, before I burn it tonight in our Christmas fireplace I ask around here. Maybe there is a way to bring it to work.

I’ve bricked my installation 3 times of which I was able to bring it back twice, but now it’s dead. I’m typing this post from a Windows PC and will make a fresh install (without Nvidia-drivers) and will edit this post with the inxi -Ga and lspci.

Thank you