Nvidia 495 "supported"

Okay now it’s running properly on the open source drivers. So what do you want to do? You have the option of running it like this if it works okay for you. Or we try again to install the nvidia drivers now that it seems to have loaded this properly which it didn’t before. Your choice because it’s your system and your time.

I have time until I sleep and since I now know a reliable way to boot up my system by just installing the open source drivers I would give it a try if you have any Ideas.

But if you are done with this I can completely understand it

No I’m okay with it. I just wanted to give you the choice because some people get annoyed and are just done with it when stuff like this happens. It could do as before and not boot. I don’t know until we try.

Yeah it can be really frustrating
Maybe now I understand the distro hoppers because they dont want to make the effort to fix something like this.

Im gonna do whatever you say because you are way more experienced than I am

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If you want we can try. We could also run a test first. See if this shows any errors. It will run as if it’s installing but won’t make any changes to the system. You can post the output after if you like.

nvidia-installer-dkms -t
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Sure also is there another way to get the logs expect the welcome message since this is the only way i found it yet

Also I noticed just now that latte-dock broke on one of my two screens


2021-11-02 21:34:42 [INFO]: e[92mAll logs will be stored in /tmp/nvidia-installer.loge[0m
2021-11-02 21:34:42 [INFO]: e[92mRunning the installer in testing mode...e[0m
2021-11-02 21:34:42 [INFO]: e[92mUpdating Nvidia graphics cards database...e[0m
2021-11-02 21:34:42 [INFO]: e[92mnvidia-installer-update-db --tmpdbe[0m
2021-11-02 21:34:45 [INFO]: e[92mInstalling nvidia-dkms driver...e[0m
2021-11-02 21:34:45 [INFO]: e[92mRemoving conflicting packages...e[0m
2021-11-02 21:34:45 [INFO]: e[92mpacman -Rs --noconfirm --noprogressbar --nodeps xf86-video-nouveaue[0m
2021-11-02 21:34:45 [INFO]: e[92mDownloading and installing driver packages, please wait as this may take a few minutes...e[0m
2021-11-02 21:34:45 [INFO]: e[92mpacman -Sqy --noconfirm --noprogressbar nvidia-dkms libvdpau nvidia-settings lib32-nvidia-utils lib32-libvdpaue[0m
2021-11-02 21:34:45 [INFO]: e[92mPatching kernel line with nvidia-drm.modeset=1e[0m
2021-11-02 21:34:45 [INFO]: e[92mnvidia-installer-kernel-parae[0m
2021-11-02 21:34:45 [INFO]: e[92mCreating /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf file...e[0m
2021-11-02 21:34:45 [INFO]: e[92mInstallation finished. Nothing has been modified as testing mode was ON.e[0m

Like that?


I’m not sure what you are asking? When you run this in the terminal just copy and paste here with code tags. There is a button on the bar above that say’s preformatted text after you paste it. Or you can put three back ticks ``` or three tilde ~~~ before and after what you paste here. Then it is more readable. Both the back ticks and tilde are on the same key too.

Edit: Just edit your post and you will see after. Or i can do it for you?

Also I was referring to the logs that are included in the welcome message
you have a option “Logs for troubleshooting” but my question is already answered

The logs for troubleshooting on the welcome will give you a link to post as it uploads the log to a pastebin site automatically.

You can also use commands and automatically do the same.

Example: Try this one and post the link

inxi -Faz --no-host | eos-sendlog


Thats the link the console gave me

Click on the link and you’ll see. This is the way because some logs are just too large to paste here.

Edit: This is all your hardware.

I already took a look at it and I am always impressed about how much you can automate with the shell
Im used to do it all manually 1 by 1 since I always used windows

Okay so you said you have multiple monitors hooked up?

Yes I have two monitors

Are they currently working with nouveau?

yes only that I noticed that my latte-dock is only on one screen for some reason I probably only need to reapply it again
other things are working normally

There is an issue with the latte dock and I can’t recall what it is. You’ll have to search the forum and see if you can find the same issue and what it is.

Also were the monitors working before on nvidia drivers?

They always worked instantly since I installed the distro

Okay… because multiple monitors can also wreak havoc getting them to work sometimes.

So if you want to try to install the nvidia drivers again we can as i didn’t see any errors in the test we ran. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to work either. One never knows until it’s tried.

sudo nvidia-installer-dkms

Let it completely finish before you reboot.

Im installing them right now
I will keep you up to date if anything happens