Numerous Errors after Installation on Plasma

Hi everyone, hope you’re all doing well. I’m new to linux and am trying to install arch linux by way of Endeavour OS and I seem to be having some problems with my desktop KDE. I’m wanting to use Plasma, however, I’ve been unable to use SDDM due to my login screen always appearing like Image 1 (see end of post).

To fix this, I’ve changed to GDM and then switched to plasma on the login screen. With this being said, I’m able to login, but now my icons are jittering around and stacked onto of one another. See image 2, apologies for the quality. Additionally, I’ve tried changing the wallpaper in the hopes that it would be able to refresh something or otherwise allow me to use the environment like normal. However, when accessing my settings menu, it jitters similar to the attached video and doesn’t actually render me clicking anything. I was able to somehow change the wallpaper through the settings menu, but to no avail with the graphical glitches.

I’ve also already attempted to install the nvidia-installer-dkms and the graphical issues are still present. Below is a truncated list of my computer specs, I will be posting my neofetch later today when Im on my desktop and if there are any other commands that you would like run to hopefully get a better idea of the system, please let me know what they are so I can provide you with their outputs. I really appreciate your patience! Hopefully this is the correct section, please let me know if it is not!


                     ./o.                  tucker@arch-eos 
                   ./sssso-                --------------- 
                 `:osssssss+-              OS: EndeavourOS Linux x86_64 
               `:+sssssssssso/.            Kernel: 5.18.12-arch1-1 
             `-/ossssssssssssso/.          Uptime: 12 mins 
           `-/+sssssssssssssssso+:`        Packages: 1005 (pacman) 
         `-:/+sssssssssssssssssso+/.       Shell: bash 5.1.16 
       `.://osssssssssssssssssssso++-      Resolution: 2560x1440, 1360x768 
      .://+ssssssssssssssssssssssso++:     DE: Plasma 5.25.3 
    .:///ossssssssssssssssssssssssso++:    WM: KWin 
  `:////ssssssssssssssssssssssssssso+++.   Theme: [Plasma], Breeze [GTK2/3] 
`-////+ssssssssssssssssssssssssssso++++-   Icons: [Plasma], breeze [GTK2/3] 
 `..-+oosssssssssssssssssssssssso+++++/`   Terminal: konsole 
   ./++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/:.     CPU: 12th Gen Intel i5-12600K (16) @ 6.300GHz 
  `:::::::::::::::::::::::::------``       GPU: Intel AlderLake-S GT1 
                                           GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 
                                           Memory: 2848MiB / 31846MiB 


Image 1

Image 2

This kind of implies it is detecting two outputs, and is configured to have them overlapping.


I do have two monitors. What is the best way to go about fixing the outputs then?

Edit: Using the solution provided on the Arch Linux Wiki has successfully put the login screen to not overlap, however I am unable enter my password or click on anything. Its like the screen is frozen, but it allows me to move my cursor. Something else I noticed is that my session is GNOME on Wayland and not X11 if that makes any difference.

Try just one monitor and use Plasma X11 and see if it works without issues.

What does this show?

inxi -Ga

I tried with 1 monitor… and I believe I’m on X11, but to no luck? Is there any way I can verify I’m on X11?

  Device-1: Intel AlderLake-S GT1 vendor: ASUSTeK
    driver: i915 v: kernel ports: active: DP-1
    empty: HDMI-A-1,HDMI-A-2,HDMI-A-3 bus-ID: 00:02.0
    chip-ID: 8086:4680 class-ID: 0300
  Device-2: NVIDIA GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060 6GB]
    vendor: Micro-Star MSI driver: N/A
    alternate: nouveau, nvidia_drm, nvidia
    non-free: 515.xx+ status: current (as of 2022-06)
    arch: Pascal process: TSMC 16nm built: 2016-21 pcie:
    gen: 1 speed: 2.5 GT/s lanes: 16 link-max: gen: 3
    speed: 8 GT/s bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:1c03
    class-ID: 0300
  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.4 with: Xwayland
    v: 22.1.3 compositor: kwin_x11 driver: X: loaded: intel
    unloaded: modesetting alternate: fbdev,vesa gpu: i915
    display-ID: :1 screens: 1
  Screen-1: 0 s-res: 2560x1440 s-dpi: 96
    s-size: 677x381mm (26.65x15.00") s-diag: 777mm (30.58")
  Monitor-1: DP-1 mapped: DP1 model: Dell S2417DG
    serial: #ASOndjCPhind built: 2018 res: 2560x1440 hz: 60
    dpi: 123 gamma: 1.2 size: 530x300mm (20.87x11.81")
    diag: 604mm (23.8") ratio: 16:9 modes: max: 2560x1440
    min: 640x480
  OpenGL: renderer: Mesa Intel Graphics (ADL-S GT1)
    v: 4.6 Mesa 22.1.3 direct render: Yes

By attempt do you mean you did that successfully in an attempt to fix the issue or you attempted and had issues with it?

Sorry for the confusion. I successfully installed in an attempt to fix the issue.

It doesn’t show the Nvidia driver as being installed.

Device-2: NVIDIA GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060 6GB]
    vendor: Micro-Star MSI driver: N/A
    alternate: nouveau, nvidia_drm, nvidia
    non-free: 515.xx+ status: current (as of 2022-06)
    arch: Pascal process: TSMC 16nm built: 2016-21 pcie:
    gen: 1 speed: 2.5 GT/s lanes: 16 link-max: gen: 3
    speed: 8 GT/s bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:1c03
    class-ID: 0300

Have you tried using the following kernel parameter in the default grub command line and then update grub. Then installing nvidia.


Edit: You need to use a text editor and add it to /etc/default/grub in the command line. Then update grub with sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

I added the line to the grub file like you said, and then installed nvidia (see the log below). Also below is the new inxi -Ga but it looks to be the same after a reboot?

2022-07-18 13:16:31 [INFO]: EndeavourOS Nvidia Installer v3.5
2022-07-18 13:16:31 [INFO]: All logs will be stored in /tmp/nvidia-installer_r.log
2022-07-18 13:16:31 [INFO]: Updating Nvidia graphics cards database...
2022-07-18 13:16:35 [INFO]: Installing nvidia-dkms driver...
2022-07-18 13:16:35 [INFO]: Removing conflicting packages...
2022-07-18 13:16:35 [INFO]: Downloading and installing driver packages, please wait as this may take a few minutes...
2022-07-18 13:17:18 [INFO]: Unpatching /usr/share/applications/nvidia-settings.desktop...
2022-07-18 13:17:18 [INFO]: Patching kernel line with nvidia-drm.modeset=1
2022-07-18 13:17:18 [INFO]: Installation finished. You need to reboot now!
  Device-1: Intel AlderLake-S GT1 vendor: ASUSTeK driver: i915 v: kernel
    ports: active: DP-1,HDMI-A-2 empty: HDMI-A-1,HDMI-A-3 bus-ID: 00:02.0
    chip-ID: 8086:4680 class-ID: 0300
  Device-2: NVIDIA GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060 6GB] vendor: Micro-Star MSI
    driver: N/A alternate: nouveau, nvidia_drm, nvidia non-free: 515.xx+
    status: current (as of 2022-06) arch: Pascal process: TSMC 16nm
    built: 2016-21 pcie: gen: 1 speed: 2.5 GT/s lanes: 16 link-max: gen: 3
    speed: 8 GT/s bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:1c03 class-ID: 0300
  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.4 with: Xwayland v: 22.1.3
    compositor: kwin_x11 driver: X: loaded: intel unloaded: modesetting
    alternate: fbdev,vesa gpu: i915 display-ID: :1 screens: 1
  Screen-1: 0 s-res: 3920x1440 s-dpi: 96 s-size: 1037x381mm (40.83x15.00")
    s-diag: 1105mm (43.5")
  Monitor-1: DP-1 mapped: DP1 pos: primary,left model: Dell S2417DG
    serial: #ASOndjCPhind built: 2018 res: 2560x1440 hz: 60 dpi: 123 gamma: 1.2
    size: 530x300mm (20.87x11.81") diag: 604mm (23.8") ratio: 16:9 modes:
    max: 2560x1440 min: 640x480
  Monitor-2: HDMI-A-2 mapped: HDMI2 pos: right model: NS28D310NA15
    serial: 16843009 built: 2014 res: 1360x768 hz: 60 dpi: 57 gamma: 1.2
    size: 610x350mm (24.02x13.78") diag: 703mm (27.7") ratio: 16:9, 15:9
    modes: max: 1360x768 min: 720x400
  OpenGL: renderer: Mesa Intel Graphics (ADL-S GT1) v: 4.6 Mesa 22.1.3
    direct render: Yes

I’m a friend of YourMCGeek and was helping them a bit over Discord, so I’m just adding to this thread to make sure it’s all catalogued:

  • We tried bypassing the GPU, by plugging only one monitor into the motherboard for integrated graphics (as only having one monitor plugged in, and directly into the GPU lead to this)
  • Seeing that GNOME previously worked fine for them on Wayland, we tried to launch Plasma directly into a Wayland session via tty
  • After that failed, we installed plasma-wayland-session and temporarily launched SDDM instead of GDM (I was originally the one who had them use GDM instead of SDDM, due to the screenshot from the first post) to use the Plasma Wayland session - which ultimately just lead to a black screen.

From what I can determine, it seems like Gnome doesn’t have any problems (at least in a Wayland session, we did not try Gnome on X11) - however Plasma runs into graphical issues in X11 such as discord not being able to launch due to freezing and the task manager widget looking a bit broken. Plasma on Wayland fails to start completely.

Yes i see it’s still running on Intel and the nvidia driver doesn’t show as installed. Is this a laptop? I don’t know anything about running discord as i don’t use it. Did you use the nvidia-installer-dkms to install the drivers? Have you tried using the other method nvidi-inst

No worries about Discord. I figured that Russ and I would include it in our messages to try and see if that unlocks any doors regarding something graphical. I’m currently dual booting Windows 11 and Endeavour on a desktop. I tried using nvidia-installer-dkms, so I’ll now try the nvidi-inst method.

I’m not sure how much help this will be, but I’ve included my Windows DxDiag report below. Thought it might’ve been helpful to show specs of everything.

Edit: After trying nvidia-inst, I get the same inxi -Ga that we’ve been seeing previously.

Okay so this is a desktop computer? Have you tried disabling the onboard Intel graphics in the Bios and run strictly on the nvidia graphics?

Ive attempted to disable the Integrated Graphics in the BIOS and only use the PCIE (my GPU) but to no avail. My primary display that is now plugged into my GPU doesn’t even turn on, but my secondary display thats plugged into the MOBO seems to be working… Strange.

Im sorry for being such a hard person to fix :frowning:

image 2 is missing …

@ringo was linking the sddm image to me already on telegram…
3 things i do not understand:

  1. is the device a Desktop and Nvidia is a PCIe Card?
  2. the inxi output shows me that the display/s are connected to the motherboard integrated-GPU and not the Nvidia Card…
 Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.4 with: Xwayland
    v: 22.1.3 compositor: kwin_x11 driver: X: loaded: intel
  OpenGL: renderer: Mesa Intel Graphics (ADL-S GT1)
    v: 4.6 Mesa 22.1.3 direct render: Yes
  1. is also unclear… as title says Plasma i installed… it is not a good idea to have Plasma and Gnome running with the same user… GTK configurations are not handled in the same way on them both…

Sorry i didn’t realize you had two displays hooked up. I was assuming this was a desktop but i also didn’t realize you have one monitor plugged into the motherboard Hdmi which only does onboard graphics which your intel processor has and it seems you have the other monitor plugged into the nvidia dedicated graphics. I’m not sure how this works in this way on Linux. I have the same setup but i only have one monitor hooked up to my nvidia card. I don’t use the onboard Intel graphics. Also if you have Gnome and KDE installed together that is something i would not do myself personally. I do use KDE and for me it works flawlessly.

Edit: Not sure if i got this right?

Strange that image 2 is missing, I included it in the post. Here is the direct link

The device is a Desktop with a Nvidia 1060 PCIe card, yes.

When I have my primary monitor plugged into my Nvidia GPU via DisplayPort, the screen doesn’t display anything. This is both with the actual screen and it doesn’t even show via inxi. It’s like I don’t even have the second monitor. Here is the most recent inxi output. My primary display is plugged in via DisplayPort in my graphics card, and the secondary monitor is connected to my mother board via HDMI.

  Device-1: Intel AlderLake-S GT1 vendor: ASUSTeK driver: i915
    v: kernel ports: active: HDMI-A-2 empty: DP-1,HDMI-A-1,HDMI-A-3
    bus-ID: 00:02.0 chip-ID: 8086:4680 class-ID: 0300
  Device-2: NVIDIA GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060 6GB]
    vendor: Micro-Star MSI driver: N/A
    alternate: nouveau, nvidia_drm, nvidia non-free: 515.xx+
    status: current (as of 2022-06) arch: Pascal process: TSMC 16nm
    built: 2016-21 pcie: gen: 1 speed: 2.5 GT/s lanes: 16 link-max:
    gen: 3 speed: 8 GT/s bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:1c03
    class-ID: 0300
  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.4 with: Xwayland v: 22.1.3
    compositor: kwin_x11 driver: X: loaded: intel unloaded: modesetting
    alternate: fbdev,vesa gpu: i915 display-ID: :1 screens: 1
  Screen-1: 0 s-res: 1360x768 s-dpi: 96
    s-size: 359x203mm (14.13x7.99") s-diag: 412mm (16.24")
  Monitor-1: HDMI-A-2 mapped: HDMI2 model: NS28D310NA15
    serial: 16843009 built: 2014 res: 1360x768 hz: 60 dpi: 57 gamma: 1.2
    size: 610x350mm (24.02x13.78") diag: 703mm (27.7")
    ratio: 16:9, 15:9 modes: max: 1360x768 min: 720x400
  OpenGL: renderer: Mesa Intel Graphics (ADL-S GT1)
    v: 4.6 Mesa 22.1.3 direct render: Yes

I used Rufus to create the installation media of EndeavourOS. Once I went through the installer, I replaced a partition that was not in use, and selected Plasma as my KDE. How Gnome is running, I couldn’t tell you. It was always there once I changed my Display Manager to GDM due to SDDM not working for me as you can see in the first image.

Hopefully this helps? I’m more than willing to connect via Telegram if it’s easier for you to have the discussion there.

No worries! I had two displays hooked up, but normally I have them both in the motherboard slot. This has never been an issue with me on Windows choosing my GPU over my integrated. Unsure how Gnome installed and how I could remove it to see if thats an issue. My linux install doesn’t seem to allow me to use my nvidia card, the screen is just black, hence why Im forced to still be plugged into the MOBO.

Hopefully this clears things up?