Not Booting after updating today. Timed out waiting for device /dev/gpt-auto-root

Hello everbody,
after updating eralier this week my wayland environment didnt work anymore (I checked the forum and saw that there is now a fix for this :))

Sadly after updating again today my PC is no longer able to boot.

The Startjob: dev-gpt/x2dauto/x2droot-device.start is timing out, after which the emergency shell opens.

I am not that well versed with linux kernel-stuff. I am running a Nvidia-Graphics card. The update included a nvidia update so i think it might have to do with it?

Could anyone help me figure this out?

Is it this?

Thx for the qick reply. Sadly I cant seem to acces the /etc/kernel dir in the emergency-shell. (The dir doesnt exist)

Chroot in from your install media, edit file, exit chroot and reboot. Am not near a Linux box as at work, but the instructions for chroot are on the wiki.

Or… just boot from the install media and mount the drive in dolphin navigate to the directory in dolphin and press f4 for a terminal and edit the file with sudo nano <file-name>

I dont see how a problem with Wayland could lead to a system not booting. Or am i missing something?

I chrooted into my system, changed the kernel parameters for systemd and the problem still persists.

Could it have anything to do with gpt?
I have really no idea so far

Looks like it may be, I just assumed it was the wayland issue.

Okay, I managed to solve it:

A update via pacman or yay (I didnt notice it during that time) had an error.

After restarting my gpt wasnt able to auto-configure my root partition.

What i needed to do was:

  1. chroot into my system via a iso-bootstick of endeavouros
  2. print out the the UUIDs of my paritions with blkid
  3. look for the UUID of your root-parition (usually with the label “endeavouros)”
  4. go into super user via sudo su
  5. cd into /efi/border/entries/(Or the location of your bootloader-entries)
  6. Add the argument root=UUID=<UUID of your root-partition> to the options line (append with a blank space)
  7. exit out of chroot
  8. reboot the system

I hope this helps someone who has the same Problem :smiley:
Feel free to message me if you have further problems

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