No program opens

I updated with sudo pacman -Syyu yesterday night. When I woke up minutes ago I can’t open any program. The only thing I can open are System Tray programs which start at boot. The rest of things show a loading icon for 5 full seconds, then crash. I can’t open folders, programs or the terminal.

I’d like to show a log with info but I can’t even access Konsole. I’m on KDE and yesterday everything was fine.

I also tried to go tty with Ctrl+Alt+F3 and sudo pacman -Syyu then sudo reboot but it did nothing.

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I had to rename plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc in ~/.config and restart Plasma twice to reset the things configured in there to default but after that it worked again.

Excuse me, how can I restart Plasma alone in this case? And won’t it fail if I alter said file?

This bug appeared in KDE a long time ago. When you click on a desktop icon, the dancing mouse cursor appears for a few seconds, then nothing happens. Have you experienced this too?

Yes, and as in the above link my desktop is gone. I just have no idea what to rename said file and how to do it. Vim can change files but not rename them.

After login, run in terminal, or in TTY:

mv  ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc.backup

Thanks. To learn more, my desktop appereance has been resetted but everything works as it should. How renaming that had any effect, what it actually did?

With some plasma/kde developed package updates, several configuration procedures, settings, and/or values change in a way that is not backwards compatible. This often produces such problems in Plasma/KDE sessions, because, while the new packages are installed on the system (system folders/files), the already existing configurations (folders, files) in the users’ folders are not automatically updated. Then, when you login after an update (and reboot), the local files do not include the correct settings/values that the new packages expect, leading to a broken session.
Thus, deleting the defective local configuration file, triggers plasma to create a new, clean file from a system template, which contains all the correct directives, settings, values. Of course, you need to re-customize any lost custom configuration again.

FWIW, plasma devs could have taken care of this bad situation, if they wanted, or if they could (although, I am pretty sure they have enough skills to do it :person_shrugging: ).
For example, OTOH, Gnome has such a mechanism (a bash script file) that handles differences between old and new versions, even if this is only for one simple task. The idea is exactly the same.

I would have opened such a bug report upstream KDE, but I hate to point out such an obvious and so widely known problem with plasma updates, towards a team that is so busy developing a trillion of features, that forgets to make their users’ (customers’) lives a little easier (saving them from their development insufficiencies).

Sorry KDE lovers for the harsh comment, but this is from my personal experience. :person_shrugging: :cry:

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Plasma devs are not to blame for this one.

It was triggered by the glibc update. Reverting to glibc 2.36 also solved the issue on my end, but that is not the ideal solution. Not sure why this happened, because not everyone was affected, my notebook is not affected although it has the same relevant packages and config.

I tried rebuilding plasma-workspace against the new glibc, but it did not solve the issue and I had no time to rebuild all KDE packages (a missing rebuild would have been the logical solution for it being fixed by downgrading glibc but it wasn’t).

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I don’t know. If re-creating a config file solves the issue, I doubt you are having the same problem.
I guess you could try the same solution (delete the file), in order to confirm :person_shrugging: .

Not every issue is always the same, even if it sounds like.

I am the one that posted the solution in the other thread and posted the link to it in this one. It is the same problem. And yes, I am also wondering why downgrading glibc AND deleting the config solve the issue because with the old glibc, the config still works …

Edit: on the ARch forums, there is another one who could solve it by downgrading glibc:

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Dowgrading glibc was not mentioned before, but, as you know Arch, this creates a partial upgrade situation. Neither current OP nor yourself, mentioned if the package upgrade included plasma/KDE packages as well. If true, it matches the partial upgrade explanation. If not, it may be the phase of the moon, or the heavy snow. I can’t say :joy:

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