Night mode

so i recently shifted from gnome to xfce and i want to use night mode idk how to do it??
in gnome their was option for it but i cant find it in xfce

Try this

I’ve checked The Night Light in Gnome. The nearest utility except GUI is

yay redshift-scheduler
redshift-scheduler -p
mv .config/redshift-scheduler/rules.conf rs.conf

edit rs.conf #avoid overlapping time slices

systemctl --user enable redshift.service
systemctl --user start redshift.service

xfce4-session-settings Application Autostart Add
redshift-scheduler -i 1 -r /home/user/rs.conf &
where -i is the frequency in minutes and user is your account

Re XFCE4-night-mode you can set Day and Night Theme and schedule the change
or toggle by clicking the ying-yang icon. No color temperature handling as I see.