Show your findings on nice terminal-based apps for EndeavourOS!
My favourites:
Well, some terminal based games in order to bring some fun.
To be more serious, some tools:
This is my favorite piece of terminal eye candy.
Of course there is ranger for all vimperators…
Wasn’t it ranger with plugins to view images video and audio?
I don’t know how to view audio but yeah, there are a lot of plugins for that. I like the image-viewer in ascii format…
@DevNul That reminded me of nnn
Unlike Ranger, nnn uses your default media player / image viewer
Terminology is a neat way to play around in the terminal.
Two i’m trying to get used too:
And timew(arrior):
Some of tools I use to check network issues.
. Iperf3 → check your network’s bandwidth (always good to know)
.mtr → combines traceroute and ping (useful to understand where something goes “wrong” in a network)
browsh → " Browsh is a fully-modern text-based browser. It renders anything that a modern browser can; HTML5, CSS3, JS, video and even WebGL."
works in tmux as well …kind…of not sure if all the text that I see is rendered properly - but it’s good enough
I only just discovered nnn a few days ago when i felt that ranger has become more limiting in what I want to do. Definitely gonna insteall this!!!
2 years later …