Newbie commands?

Hi I’m looking to make a list of newbie commands like Pacman-Syu and git clone (ctrl shift+v) makpkg -si.
Can anyone list some please? I don’t know barely any.

I propose a different approach, much simpler.

When you want to do something, and don’t know how to do it, look it up, and if you can’t find it, ask here. Ask it like this: “I want to do X, how do I do it?”, not like this: “This command doesn’t do what I want, why?”

Then, when you discover how to do it, add it to your list so you don’t forget it.

If you use notes by someone else, you’re just getting yourself confused.

Knowing what you want to accomplish should always be your starting point. A certain command or some other means of accomplishing something shouldn’t be your starting point. Commands are tools. You don’t walk into a garage, take the first tool, e.g. a drill bit, and ask yourself: “What can I do with this drill bit?”. Instead, if you want to drill a hole, you ask yourself: “What tool do I have in my garage to drill this hole?”

That said, I recommend looking up how to use the shell. Specifically, how to:

  • navigate the directory tree
  • list contents of a directory
  • run programs from the shell
  • copy, move, and remove files and directories
  • redirect standard output and input, connect standard output and input with pipes
  • find a file or directory, search for a pattern in text files
  • manage permissions, elevate permissions
  • edit a text file owned by root using a TUI text editor
  • read the manual pages for specific commands, search the manuals on your system
  • manage packages on Arch Linux

That should cover about 90% of the command line use, and you owe it to yourself to learn these things.

After that, you might want to get into some Bash scripting, shell customisation, but those are more advanced topics…


Interesting. Thankyou. I have already started making my own Linux notes file I keep on a seperate drive.
I learnt how to make a service and how to enable it.
I learned how to install from the AUR.
I learned how to edit the fstab.
I learned how to list directory.
I learned how to change directory.
Just so you know I’m not being lazy.


Great, keep it up! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. The more specific the question is, the better. And remember: start with what you want to do, not with “what is this command for?”

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Well, this is a very good start. What for me personally is really impressive is the service thingy - I did that quite late in my linux journey. And systemd services are kind of a bottomless pit - you can put REALLY much effort into this…

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Yeah for systemd service I had to learn it to automate a script to add my wifi adapter to the thing. It was tricky to remember because you have to enable the service and not just make a service file and a script file.

Just keep learning, at first it may seem hard but after practise it becomes easier and easier as @Kresimir said if you can’t find make a new thread and ask as was stated.

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Start here and build beyond that.



Read random ArchWiki pages!


All interesting thankyou

Didn’t know that. That is really fun. :nerd_face:

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The random page I got is in Russian!

Lost Kermit GIF - Lost Kermit Map GIFs|683x437.12


Yes, incentive to to learn other languages as well :smile:

Just got one in French!


Excellent! Thanks a lot for the tutorial!

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How basic are we talking? I have an obsidian publish from my notes with a ton of commands. I am working to add more. Started making the index of commands a couple years ago when I decided to really daily drive linux. There is alot of cybersec stuff on it, but the terminal stuff likely would be of value to you.

If you do want it:


Here is a nice list of commands bundled together.