New kernel install messes with Grub-btrfs snapshot entries

I’m using grub-btrfsd. It was enabled and running. It did pop an error saying couldn’t run auto-snap!

Where did you see that error?

What does systemctl status grub-btrfsd.service show?

It popped that error when I tried to re-enable it thinking that it might of gotten disabled somehow. It was a terminal output.

I’m not able to access my system at the moment but I will check that and journal entries when I get home. About 2.5 hours from now

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here is my journal logs for grub-btrfsd during the time of update.

Apr 30 10:10:03 Dragon grub-btrfsd[720]: grub-btrfsd starting up...
Apr 30 10:10:04 Dragon grub-btrfsd[878]: Watching /run/timeshift for timeshift to start
Apr 30 10:11:16 Dragon grub-btrfsd[3544]: Watching /run/timeshift for timeshift to start
-- Boot 9c3e0221d37c4bb2a9bbd888bab10eec --
Apr 30 10:13:01 Dragon grub-btrfsd[767]: grub-btrfsd starting up...
Apr 30 10:13:02 Dragon grub-btrfsd[890]: Watching /run/timeshift for timeshift to start
Apr 30 10:15:58 Dragon grub-btrfsd[3331]: Grub menu recreated
Apr 30 10:15:58 Dragon grub-btrfsd[3332]: 768: Watching /run/timeshift/2562/backup/timeshift-btrfs/snapshots >
-- Boot b662a099445c47e3833af2bf5a86d17c --
Apr 30 10:21:10 Dragon grub-btrfsd[712]: grub-btrfsd starting up...
Apr 30 10:31:11 Dragon grub-btrfsd[2558]: 714: detected Timeshift startup, PID is: 856
Apr 30 10:31:13 Dragon grub-btrfsd[3196]: Grub menu recreated

status on systemctl for grub-btrfsd says enabled and running

It looks like it worked.

that was after I ran the mkinitcpio command. I’m not going to discount the possiblity of user error here, but I really don’t know if it was a me mistake or a glitch in my system. just in case I decided to make this post in case someone else ran into it.

mkinitcpio shouldn’t factor into this at all.

There are a few things that matter:

  • Taking a snapshot - This is what triggers the need for the menu to be recreated
  • grub-btrfsd - This is what is watches for the new/deleted snapshots and updates the menu
  • grub-mkconfig - This normally shouldn’t need to be run manually but if you do it will regenerate all the grub menus

In your case, I don’t think it is user error. I suspect something went wrong with either timeshift or grub-btrfsd

Just a quick little update on here. Did my updates this week, same issue whether it’s kernel or not. I think you might be right on one of your points.

Every time I update, I see the timeshift process to make a snapshot, but I still have to re-run my grub commands to get my snapshot menu entry back.

I’m not sure what it is either grub-btrfsd or the hook to run grub-mkconfig, when I run my next update I will get logs right away and see if anything shows. It is making the snapshot, so it’s something going on with one of those two I think.

Any idea what logs I would need to look for specifically. I will use journalctl to access them and post here regarding this.

ok so I did an update just now, I think I might have found the problem, but not sure.
upon update I looked through the timeshift snapshot process and found something that might be the problem.

upon completion of the timeshift, run it fails to find the file, it says it doesn’t exist. and yet it follows up with to send a bug report with this file. :thinking: but how can it be filed with the bug report if it doesn’t exist?

Possible Timeshift Error