New image for RPi 4b headless server needs testing

There is a new image for a RPi 4b headless server.
Anyone with spare time and a spare uSD card that wants to test will be appreciated.

This headless server utilizes a uSD card for the OS, and a USB SSD device for DATA storage.

During installation, the user will have three options for handling the USB SSD.

  1. if one has a USB SSD connected it will be partitioned, formated, mount points created, and the /etc/fstab will be modified to mount the USB SSD on bootup.
  2. If you have a USB SSD with data already on it, you can choose to only created the mount points created, then edit /etc/fstab manually to mount the existing data device.
  3. do nothing

To install the image to a uSD card, in a working Archlinux based system (ARM or x86_64) download the following script into a temporary folder.

chmod 754

IF you want to check how long the install process takes and have the package “time” installed then, else eliminate “time”

time sudo ./

When finished, connect the uSD card to your RPi 4b equipped with a Monitor, a keyboard, and optionally connect a USB SSD for data storage.

The RPi will boot up, and automatically start the configuration script.
Just answer the questions and after completion the RPi will reboot into a working headless server. Then please check the following:

ip addr   -  Check the IP address for the static address you specified
cat /etc/fstab  - Check that fstab uses UUID and not partition labels
cat /boot/cmdline.txt  - Check that UUID is used and not partition labels
cat /etc/pacman.conf - Check that parallel downloads is enabled and at specified  amount 
cat /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist  - Check for enabled mirrors you specified
ls -l /  -check that /server and /serverbkup mount points are there with permissions & ownership
       drwxrwxr--   3 root users  4096 Nov 29 12:24 server
       drwxrwxr--   2 root users  4096 Nov 29 12:21 serverbkup
ls -l /server  -  if the script partitioned and formatted for you, should see Directory lost+found

On a Linux computer with an DE / WM installed (x86_64 or ARM) log into the server.
The following uses pshare (Public Share) for the server’s username, as the server’s static IP adress, and 9785 as the server’s ssh port number. Adjust as necessary

ssh pshare@ -p port 9785

You should be connected to the server asking for pshare’s password

pshare@'s password: 


Last login: Tue Nov 29 12:58:20 2022 from
[pshare@RPiServer ~]$ 

A this point the Monitor and keyboard can be removed and everything else done remotely on a Linux computer using ssh sshfs.

Then one can utilize the following EnOS WiKi articles to set up a Linux LAN server on a Client Linux computer

And for other articles:

If one follows all six of the Server articles, they will end up with a headless LAN server that can serve files for both Linux using sshfs, and serve files for Windows using SAMBA. Also using miniDLNA can serve music, pictures, and videos to any DLNA equipped device on the LAN. All only using NON 3rd party apps, using only packages that are in the regular Archlinux ARM repositories.

During installation, you will be prompted for choosing either
RPi 4b or Odroid N2. The Odroid N2 option is not ready for deployment yet. Still working on it.

At this point I am going to follow all the above how to’s and make sure they are still valid.
I used to use UFW for a firewall, now firewalld is the standard for EnOS so I will have to fix that at least.

If you follow any how to’s and find a mistake or something is unclear, let me know