NetworkManager with `iwd` backend doesn't autoconnect to some WiFi

I have enabled iwd as a backend for NetworkManager, and it’s mostly working fine. But, it doesn’t autoconnect to 8021x networks. I have AutoConnect=true in my /etc/iwd/main.conf. I can see the network by running nmcli device wifi list, and can connect using nmcli connnection up, but autoconnect doesn’t work. It works perfectly for normal WPA2/WPA3 networks.

You are following this:


Alternatively, you can install networkmanager-iwd AUR, a modified package configured to build NetworkManager working exclusively with iwd, with the main difference being that iwd is required and wpa_supplicant can be uninstalled after building.

Yes, I’m using the config file to set iwd as the backend.
Edit: I also tried using the networkmanager-iwd package, but still getting the same result.

so you created:


and iwd.service is not enabled?

show the status of both iwd.service and NetworkManager.service:

systemctl status iwd.service NetworkManager.service | eos-sendlog

Yes, iwd is not enabled. Here’s the status:
I’m not near the 8021x network right now though. It’s at my work. I can send the status again when I can see the network tomorrow, in case it shows something more.

Here’s the log for when the 8021x network can be seen in nmcli device wifi list but iwd doesn’t autoconnect.

sadly you replied to yourself so i was not notified that you posted the log…

The log is not there.

@joekamprad @ricklinux Seems like the log has expired. Here’s a log I just took today. It should be the same as that one.

Upon looking at the iwd log, one of those MAC addresses does match the MAC of the problematic network.

I managed to solve it by adding


to /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/wifi_backend.conf. It stops iwd from using its autoconnection logic, and does everything in NetworkManager itself.

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