Need help with privilege escalation issue

Might be a bug or I might be dumb 50/50 chance.

I don’t think I did anything wrong installing EOS (I’ve used it for almost a year now), but the background here is that I was using a Kiwix appimage run as a normal user that can somehow delete a root-owned file but not a root-owned file in a root-owned directory. This normal user is in the ‘wheel’ group (can use sudo), but the appimage was NOT run with sudo.

More details are here with a video showing what happened:

What are the permissions on the directory the file was contained within?

If you have write permissions to the directory, you can delete files within it.

It was 755 user:user on the directory, but the file was 444 root:root.

If you can write to the directory, you can delete the file.

The file is an entry in the directory.

Test it out:

mkdir ~/test
touch ~/test/testfile
chmod o-w ~/test/testfile
chown root:root ~/test/testfile
rm ~/test/testfile

Whether you do this via terminal or put into a bash script, it shows the stderr requiring user input:

rm: remove write-protected regular empty file '/home/matt/test/testfile'?

Shouldn’t the kiwix program also error out?

No, you have the rights to do it. In this case, rm is just asking if it should do it.

If you used rm -f it would work without confirmation.


I guess I misunderstood how the permissions worked, I assumed that if a file wasn’t owned by you or if you weren’t in that group’s permission, you couldn’t delete it, especially if the “other” group didn’t have w (modify) permissions.

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That’s normally true, if the file is in a directory that you don’t own. But if you own the directory, you can delete everything in it. If you think about it, that actually makes sense.