Need Help: EndeavourOS or Garuda Gaming

When I install Arch, I like certain things setup in a certain way. I have found no Arch-based distro that meets my requirements out of the box. All Arch-based distros carry some degree of divergence from where I want to end up. EndeavourOS used to come closest to my desired end goal. It no longer does that. I still respect the people and the project. Since the tools to create an Arch-based respin are readily available and easy to navigate, I chose to build my own Arch-based respin for my own needs. Once I setup the build environment and process, I find it easier to maintain my own respin for my own use. I still enjoy the occasional banter and conversation of this group, so I like to participate, but I use my own Arch install. :grinning: More often than not, I am using Debian. :rofl:

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