pressed down the power button and gave me this. im really concerned now. waited till the end and hard rebooted. black screen for a minute or two then this
Looks like you’ll have to use the live ISO and arch-chroot in order to run btrfs check and maybe some other things. I’ll leave it to someone who has way more knowledge about btrfs to help you.
Naively I would suspect that your drive died. In case there was any important data on it I’d recommend turning the device off and bring it to an expert to have any chance of recovering your data.
Otherwise follow the advice of @ricklinux and get a live ISO up and running, that way you can run health checks on your drive to confirm if that was the issue and or to provide more details for better assistance and debugging.
update: i tried doing the diagnostics test and upon checking on the storage option it says ‘no boot device found’ on both quick scan and extensive scan. so i begrudgingly exited out of diagnostics.
but here’s the thing, for some reason, bootloader showed up and it’s working again??
i just got back in (i booted up the non LTS kernel just in case the LTS kernel’s the problem.
so i wanna ask you guys now that i have access to my system again (hopefully nothing bad happens again) on ways to check on the health of my btrfs filesystem or ssd (assuming that was the problem, i really have no clue)
currently yeah, im using my laptop as well now. refer to the latest pic i sent. i was asking cause i wanted to take any kind of precautions and i wanted to know if avoiding LTS kernel is a valid option
Also I know this may sound silly but keep an eye on that battery level as it looks low. You may need to connect a power supply so it doesn’t switch off. That being said if the drive is a bit precarious this could cause the drive to shut off (or at least I have seen that happen once on a laptop), so copying anything important is first priority. Always have a backup.
earlier, i managed to get in the system and backed up my files. a few minutes ago i was updating and it happened again. i think this is a faulty ssd now. i may be wrong but…