My Gnome 40 design Proposal

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I have been working on this new design for a few hours now and I would like to share it to you guys as well.

The current Gnome 40 design can be seen below.

r/gnome - Gnome 40 design Proposal. Use Blurred desktop background as overview background and use grey panels to indicate different workspaces

Gnome 40 design

The main advantage of this design is that users can easily grasp how workspaces work as each workspace is represented as a standalone desktop.

However, this introduces an ugly black Overview background.

To solve this, make the overview background a blurred darkened version of the user-defined background and use blurred grey panels to represent different workspaces.

r/gnome - Gnome 40 design Proposal. Use Blurred desktop background as overview background and use grey panels to indicate different workspaces

My design

Made with GIMP
r/gnome - Gnome 40 design Proposal. Use Blurred desktop background as overview background and use grey panels to indicate different workspaces

This way, we can see a beautiful desktop and easily grasp how workspaces work in Gnome.


I don’t know, it somehow makes the whole feel less solid? Like desktops wouldn’t be actual desktops but tags like in tiling window managers? Which would be great if gnome actually used tags.

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I gave G40 quick look the other day in a VM and not sure I like the direction. starting in the workspace view feels less clean then just opening to a blank desktop. I also hate the dock at the bottom of the screen. Hopefully these things will get ironed out, but if not I amy have to start looking for a new DE

KGnome? :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: Don’t like touch pad devices either. Web OS no thanks. Give me a keyboard and a mouse. Anything but Gnome! Sorry but I’m not inspired. No offence. :grin:

Edit: I stick with Plasma

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I agree with you @ricklinux :grin: