So basically, I am contemplating going all in this weekend and installing over Manjaro on this PC, but I have a few questions related to how to best deal with my current partition setup and how to move data over seamlessly.
This is my current setup.
sda 8:0 0 232.9G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 511M 0 part /boot/efi
├─sda2 8:2 0 50G 0 part /
└─sda3 8:3 0 182.4G 0 part /home
sdb 8:16 0 1.8T 0 disk
└─sdb1 8:17 0 1.8T 0 part /mnt/hdd
sdc 8:32 0 223.6G 0 disk
└─sdc1 8:33 0 223.6G 0 part /run/timeshift/backup
inxi -p
Partition: ID-1: / size: 48.97 GiB used: 32.06 GiB (65.5%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sdb2
ID-2: /boot/efi size: 510.0 MiB used: 280 KiB (0.1%) fs: vfat dev: /dev/sdb1
ID-3: /home size: 178.52 GiB used: 70.48 GiB (39.5%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sdb3
ID-4: /mnt/hdd size: 1.79 TiB used: 562.65 GiB (30.7%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda1
ID-5: /run/timeshift/backup size: 219.06 GiB used: 159.98 GiB (73.0%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sdc1
Basically, I have a 250 GB SDD for /boot/efi, /, and /home, but I have my Documents, Pictures, Videos, Music, etc. directories on and symlinked to a 2TB HDD. I also have some backups on that HDD, as well as my Steam library.
I have removable SSD I took from an old PC to act as my Timeshift backup drive.
I am wondering if it would be best to start fresh and get rid of this divided /home and symlinked folders setup, maybe plop /home on my HDD altogether, or if I should preserve the setup I have now.
Secondly, I really want to give btrfs a try, especially for snapshots, in case my first weeks with Endeavour prove to have some teething problems. I am however not interested in encrypting this machine, as it is a desktop.
Does it make sense to still have /, /boot/efi/, /home and all that on separate partitions and have all these as btrfs? I assume if you do this, you could selectively only roll back each partition independently of each other?
As a fail safe, I am actually consider nipping out and buying another SSD and HDD, so that even if I totally mess it up somehow, I can just pop my Manjaro drives back in…but that might be expensive.
Anyhow, hope you get the gist! Any advice welcome.