Mirror list updates


A question and I think I’m not the only one to ask myself.
Why when I update the mirrors I have very often, but then very often (but not always) a response like this?

2021-07-29 05:34:54] INFO: rating 10 mirror(s) by download speed
[2021-07-29 05:34:54] INFO: Server Rate Time
[2021-07-29 05:35:00] WARNING: failed to rate http(s) download (https://archlinux.thaller.ws/community/os/x86_64/community.db): Download timed out after 5 second(s).
[2021-07-29 05:35:00] INFO: https://archlinux.thaller.ws/ 0.00 KiB/s 0.00 s
[2021-07-29 05:35:07] WARNING: failed to rate http(s) download (https://mirror.f4st.host/archlinux/community/os/x86_64/community.db): Download timed out after 5 second(s).
[2021-07-29 05:35:07] INFO: https://mirror.f4st.host/archlinux/ 0.00 KiB/s 0.00 s
[2021-07-29 05:35:13] WARNING: failed to rate http(s) download (https://mirror.pseudoform.org/community/os/x86_64/community.db): Download timed out after 5 second(s).
[2021-07-29 05:35:13] INFO: https://mirror.pseudoform.org/ 0.00 KiB/s 0.00 s
[2021-07-29 05:35:18] WARNING: failed to rate http(s) download (https://phinau.de/arch/community/os/x86_64/community.db): Download timed out after 5 second(s).
[2021-07-29 05:35:18] INFO: https://phinau.de/arch/ 0.00 KiB/s 0.00 s
2021-07-29 05:34:54] INFO: rating 10 mirror(s) by download speed
[2021-07-29 05:34:54] INFO: Server Rate Time
[2021-07-29 05:35:00] WARNING: failed to rate http(s) download (https://archlinux.thaller.ws/community/os/x86_64/community.db): Download timed out after 5 second(s).
[2021-07-29 05:35:00] INFO: https://archlinux.thaller.ws/ 0.00 KiB/s 0.00 s
[2021-07-29 05:35:07] WARNING: failed to rate http(s) download (https://mirror.f4st.host/archlinux/community/os/x86_64/community.db): Download timed out after 5 second(s).
[2021-07-29 05:35:07] INFO: https://mirror.f4st.host/archlinux/ 0.00 KiB/s 0.00 s
[2021-07-29 05:35:13] WARNING: failed to rate http(s) download (https://mirror.pseudoform.org/community/os/x86_64/community.db): Download timed out after 5 second(s).
[2021-07-29 05:35:13] INFO: https://mirror.pseudoform.org/ 0.00 KiB/s 0.00 s
[2021-07-29 05:35:18] WARNING: failed to rate http(s) download (https://phinau.de/arch/community/os/x86_64/community.db): Download timed out after 5 second(s).
[2021-07-29 05:35:18] INFO: https://phinau.de/arch/ 0.00 KiB/s 0.00 s

What criteria are you using to generate your list and what speed is your connection?

Some amount of those errors is normal but failing to rank 8 mirrors when sorting only 10 mirrors is a bit extreme.

Criteria: Default (/etc/reflector-simple.conf)
Speed : 9,1 Mb- 71,9 Mb respectively.

This morning (for me!) Whatever the country chosen, I always have this result! :grimacing:

Might be a problem with your internet connection?
As @dalto said, some failures are normal. But that seems way too much.

You could try adding the following reflector options into /etc/reflector-simple.conf:

--connection-timeout 10
--download-timeout 10

where numbers are in seconds. Use larger if that helps. Default for both is 5.

Note that reflector-simple is a reflector wrapper, so you can test the options directly with reflector:

reflector --latest 10 -p https --sort rate --connection-timeout 10 --download-timeout 10

This will only show the result but does not save it.

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I also think about this.
I connected later in the day via Ethernet and it was fine.

I just updated the mirrors with my wifi and it is now also very good. And I have not changed any parameters! :thinking:

Mirrors sometimes update themselves… But hardly at the same time. Strange.

This happens to me sometimes . But I never thought about the reason behind it :man_shrugging: