Mendeley* not integrating with LibreOffice Writer

Hi folks

I rely heavily on Mendeley Deesktop referencing system for my work and on Mint, this used to work fine with LibreOffice Fresh as it did on my EOS testing laptop.

Now I have migrated my work station to EOS, I am not blessed with such good fortune and neither of the two versions of Mendeley (Mendeley-Desktop and MendeleyDesktop-Bundled) in the repos work with LibreOffice.

The issues I am experiencing is with the LibO plug-in which lets users insert in-text citations and to present a nicely formatted reference list at the end of the document.

The problem is that I use the insert reference button on LibO and Mendeley freezes both itself and LibO until I kill the Mendeley process manually, which then releases LibO but does not insert any references into the document.

I have included some of the output from these trials. The first (a) concerns using the plug-in to insert an in-text citation:

$ mendeleydesktop
/usr/bin/mendeleydesktop:104: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
(using citation plug-in):
[80856:80899:0322/] Attempting to run unsupported native service: /opt/mendeleydesktop/lib/mendeleydesktop/libexec/content_renderer.service

The second (b) is a new run with Mendeley using the plug in for the bibliography part:

QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
[81236:81277:0322/] Attempting to run unsupported native service: /opt/mendeleydesktop/lib/mendeleydesktop/libexec/content_renderer.service

These are truncated excerpts from the error messages, but this is a reproducible error, so if it helps to have all of the output then I can post that as required. However, from my untrained eye, the commonality here appears to concern the ‘content_renderer.service’ function, but I may be wrong and if not, I still don’t know how to fix this.

This is a pretty important functionality for me, and Mendeley (in their wisdom) have now deprecated this in favour of some on-line server-based approach that is only compatible with an on-line MS Office base, which is of no use to me.

Assistance is, as always, hugely welcome.
Many thanks.