Just wanted to say hello and that I’m really enjoying EndeavorOS. I’ve used Linux for probably 20 years now but have always used Debian based distros. Finally made the move to Arch based ones about 2 months ago. Settled with EOS a few weeks ago. Absolutely love it! Learning bash and python so that helps a ton with arch based systems. Love making scripts and when they work, such a rush! lol i’m a geek. anyways. Just thought I’d kinda introduce myself and say thanks for having me. Screw Debian based distros! lol
Welcome to the community @Spreadneck
Like you, much of my prior time with desktop Linux, was on Debian/Ubuntu based distros. I always felt I was wrestling with the system to some degree.
When I discovered EndeavourOS, it really was game changing. The irony is Ubuntu and the likes are presented as “easier” distributions, but that’s only really the case provided you’re content with the decisions it’s already made for you. As soon as you need to get under the hood, you’re actually wrestling for control.
EndeavourOS leaves you in control, and in that respect, is easier!
Welcome @Spreadneck
Welcome @Spreadneck to the dark side, there’s no going back.
Welcome @Spreadneck to the EndeavourOS forum. I hope you enjoy your time here.
Welcome to the purple kids club
Welcome, @Spreadneck!
Welcome to the forum @Spreadneck
Hello, @Spreadneck, good to see you on the purple side. Agreed: EOS is a great distribution indeed, but Debian based systems have their uses as well.
Have fun!
Welcome to the forum. There’s the problem; you were using Debian ‘based’ distros not Debian
I think Endevour is definitely the best Arch based distro, hence it seems to grow in popularity every day and… it’s purple and you can get nice merch
from here - EndeavourOS Merchandise (I’m willing to shamelessly plug it to buy the team more coffee
Welcome to our little corner of the 'net.
This distro is great. I have run SuSE, Debian, Ubuntu, LInuxMint, BunsenLabs, Fedora and a few other minor ones I cannot recall.
I really dig Arch, and by extension EndeavorOS. I have it on all my computers and it really ticks all the boxes for me. The AUR is a game changer in my opinion and the community in these forums is top notch.
I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
Oh I love Debian and Debian based distros. I just wanted more control, so I moved to EOS.