Looking for an xfce4 theme

I am looking for an xfce4 theme that is very like Default [that is what I am running at the moment] Do not want macos style icons, also I would like it to be green!!!

Juno on xfce4-look is ok or something like Nord…

Would like some ideas?


Test Yaru dark Green icons to ~.icons themet to ~/.themes
Kora green icons are worth to look at as well.

simplewaita is very green. It also exists for almost every theming framework imaginable. I also recommend obsidian-icons with it, they have a green option.

Wow plenty to check out, thank you :wink:

This looks very good:

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When I used XFCE, I used Materia.

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Try the dark variant of Matcha theme.

yay -S matcha-gtk-theme

Personall I keep ending up with the Delft icon sets - as they are clear, and quite colourful (40 variants of colour on my system. Green, for instance, has Green, Green-Audacious, Green-Dark, Green-Darker, Green Darkest, Mint, Mint-Dark ,Mint-Darker, Mint-Darkest (9 selectables). Might be worth a look… :grin:



@eso I do like that …

Matcha theme is also nice