Im using a gnome setup on my eos install but i want to venture out into different types of desktop environments and workflows so i decided to install i3-wm and follow the Eos I3 config guide and configure it from scratch and it runs perfectly.
There is only one problem everything needs to to log in on boot and in some cases restart of the application like Vivaldi wich needs to creat a temp user and when the application is relaunched the login and config is lost. also vekstop does this. Strangely other Flatpak or regular aur apps work
(two examples)
-steam works -flatpack
-spotify works -aur
i would like to add that im aware that multi De on one linux install may be irregular and/or not recommended i however decided to just go for it.
I would also like to add that im Using SDDM instead of gnomes login manager.
Is there a way to fix this issue or is that just going to be like this. I mean it would be okay for testing but im not ready to make the leap yet and fully committing is scary.
I’m only somewhat following what you are saying here. Do you mean that you need to log in to each app all the time, but on Gnome you don’t need to do this?
If this is what you mean, it would seem you are missing a polkit agent from your autostart file. Seeing as you have Gnome installed, look for the following line in your autostart file. If it’s not there, copy and paste it in.
For a bash autostart file, you’ll need these two lines (or something similar):
# Function to start a process
start_process() {
if ! pgrep -x "$1" > /dev/null; then
"$@" &
# Start polkit authentication agent
start_process /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
This might be default browser behavior. I have two chromium profiles, and when a new chromium arrives and I restart it, one profile has to log in to all it’s tabs and the other chugs merrily away. So check this first.
Second, I’d recommend trying to log out of Gnome with browsers and tabs up and see if you can restart them as they were after logging back in to Gnome.
Be aware of DE conflicts. Recent Budgies didn’t go well with Gnome, for instance, mostly due to library package conflicts.
I have 5 window managers installed, and used to have more.
you where actually spot on with what you said. Wiredly tho i do already have this line in my I3 config. which changes nothing with vivaldi and vekstop(discord)
Oh well that explains a lot i apologize again.
Quick note: I installed gnome with the eos installer and kde later and i3 after that im guessing kdes manager replaced gnomes one?
Thank you very much again. Seems like just another user error.
I also usw SDDM because it doesnt lock me out of wayland sessions. I used kde for half a year before that and then decided to give gnome another shot and i wanted to also look into i3.
im aware my system maybe kinda cursed with the linux zen kernel gnome kde and i3 but im live laugh and loving this.
Im also planning on maybe getting hyprland to work but im not to sure yet because i really dont like the lead dev