Local is newer than .... warnings

I have EOS xfce installed back in the UK for my mum that I can access remotely via a reverse vnc

I had the same problem with these types of errors when trying to add a new app (signal-desktop):

error: failed retrieving file 'kitty-terminfo-0.23.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.f4st.host : The requested URL returned error: 404

as in this post

So I ran the welcome update mirrors and then sudo pacman -Syyu

This worked for installing Signal-desktop but now She has loads of local is newer than core, community etc and muissing AUR apps

I guess her mirror list is messed up?

Could someone please tell me what I have done wrong, and how can I fix it, please?



cat  /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
################# Arch Linux mirrorlist generated by Reflector #################
# With:       reflector --verbose -c GB --protocol https --sort rate --latest 10 --download-timeout 5
# When:       2022-08-30 16:43:50 UTC
# From:       https://archlinux.org/mirrors/status/json/
# Retrieved:  2022-08-30 16:43:26 UTC
# Last Check: 2022-08-30 16:39:41 UTC

## United Kingdom
Server = https://mirrors.gethosted.online/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch

## United Kingdom
Server = https://mirror.cov.ukservers.com/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch

## United Kingdom
Server = https://mirrors.ukfast.co.uk/sites/archlinux.org/$repo/os/$arch

## United Kingdom
Server = https://mirrors.melbourne.co.uk/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch

## United Kingdom
Server = https://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch

## United Kingdom
Server = https://lon.mirror.rackspace.com/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch

## United Kingdom
Server = https://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.archlinux.org/$repo/os/$arch

## United Kingdom
Server = https://mirror.netweaver.uk/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch

## United Kingdom
Server = https://archlinux.uk.mirror.allworldit.com/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch

Always after updating your mirrorlist, refresh the entire system:

yay -Syyu

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There is still a mirror issue here.
You have to update mirrors and then save the mirrorlist. You might have forgotten to do that.

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I did yay which is the same isnt it?

I pressed the save to button

yay is the same as yay -Syu or the same also as sudo pacman -Syu, they are all interchangeable. yay is generally preferred however if you have AUR packages as well.

Adding the extra “y” like I suggested however rebuilds your entire system based on the new mirrorlist, hence why you want to add two y’s in this case. You only do -Syyu after updating your mirrorlist. For everything else, just yay should suffice.


Looks Like that was it - all updating now cheers!

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Really helpful, patient and friendly responses thank you so much!

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I did forget this the first few times I did it :blush:

No worries, many users here are always happy to help. Enjoy your freshly updated system :+1:

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