Linux YouTubers - Your Favorite?

wow, this wallpaper sure is nice


much of it script-like for sure :100:

never more evident or on display with the VM install or Live ISO non-install videos. Bare metal or bust or else you have little to offer (imo).


Thanks much.

EDIT: I just got what you meant by:

DT… He’s so silly sometimes. :person_facepalming:

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I sometimes watch her too and she’s really nice and cool.

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The only one that I watch regularly is Nicco Loves Linux. He mostly knows what he’s talking about, and is generally pretty chill. I guess I watch ThePrimeTime sometimes as well. It’s mostly programming related content, but there’s a little bit of Linux stuff there as well.

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I don’t watch any Linux specific channel regularly.

I don‘t want to blame them for their content also. YouTube is a platform where most of the content is very subjectiv and it‘s all about gaining clicks and generating money. It‘s entertainment not a scientific source for knowledge.

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