Libgcrypt-config missing

According to yay, libgcrypt-config is part of the libgcrypt package, but the program does not exist on my system:

$ yay -F libgcrypt-config
core/libgcrypt 1.10.2-1 [installed: 1.11.0-2]
$ sudo find / -xdev -name libgcrypt-config

That file is no longer in that package.

Your file database is out of date.

You need to run yay -Fy to update the database.

Thank you very much. After running yay -Fy, yay tells me the package doesn’t exist. So it is consistent.

Unfortunately that doesn’t help with my underlying issue, which is that a package I am trying to build uses libgcrypt-config

Perhaps the software you are building isn’t compatible with the latest version of libgcrypt?

It turned out that simply replacing libgcrypt-config in the package with pkg-config solved the problem. Thanks @dalto.

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