Libcamera-hello not found

I have a Camera Module 3 hooked to a fresh install server R4B 6.1.57-2-rpi-ARCH but libcamera-hello is not found.

[user@RaspiAllSky ~]$ libcamera-hello
-bash: libcamera-hello: command not found

[user@RaspiAllSky ~]$ yay libcamera
8 aur/libaperture-libcamera-git r122.c66e4ed-1 (+0 0.00) 
    A camera library for GTK3 with libcamera patches from mobian
7 aur/libcamera-clang-git r3203.76bd9f3d-1 (+0 0.00) (Orphaned) 
    A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS (built with LLVM toolchain)
6 aur/libcamera-git r3989.e0e54965-1 (+12 0.00) 
    A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS
5 extra/gst-plugin-libcamera 0.1.0-2 (32.3 KiB 102.7 KiB) 
    Multimedia graph framework - libcamera plugin
4 extra/libcamera-tools 0.1.0-2 (179.2 KiB 762.3 KiB) (Installed)
    A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS - tools
3 extra/libcamera-docs 0.1.0-2 (12.2 MiB 25.6 MiB) (Installed)
    A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS - documentation
2 extra/libcamera-ipa 0.1.0-2 (256.2 KiB 1.1 MiB) (Installed)
    A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS - signed IPA
1 extra/libcamera 0.1.0-2 (514.8 KiB 2.4 MiB) (Installed)
    A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS
==> Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3 or ^4)

I searched for a while, but can’t find anything regarding that package outside of rasberry pi os. From my research the binary is provided by the package libcamera-apps. Which again is only packaged by rasberry pi os and according to repology, fedora. Out of all the linux distros. I’m only finding two of them that might have that package. You may have to build it yourself if you really need it.

The following are available in the Archlinux ARM in both aarch64 and armv7h repositories

Arch Repo Name Version Description
aarch64 extra libcamera 0.1.0-2 A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS
armv7h extra libcamera 0.1.0-2 A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS
aarch64 extra gst-plugin-libcamera 0.1.0-2 Multimedia graph framework - libcamera plugin
armv7h extra gst-plugin-libcamera 0.1.0-2 Multimedia graph framework - libcamera plugin
aarch64 extra libcamera-docs 0.1.0-2 A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS - documentation
armv7h extra libcamera-docs 0.1.0-2 A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS - documentation
aarch64 extra libcamera-ipa 0.1.0-2 A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS - signed IPA
armv7h extra libcamera-ipa 0.1.0-2 A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS - signed IPA
aarch64 extra libcamera-tools 0.1.0-2 A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS - tools
armv7h extra libcamera-tools 0.1.0-2 A complex camera support library for Linux, Android, and ChromeOS - tools

Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries (filtered from 24,277 total entries)
then search for libcamera


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as @d-air1 remarked libcamera-apps that contains it is unfortunately not available for aarch64, need to wait…

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