Latest Update to Grub has an error with grub-mkconfig (when using grub-customizer)

welcome @cojimene onto the purple rocket :rocketa_purple:

exactly what file needs to get removed?

All directory: /etc/grub.d/proxifiedScripts/ and the file: /etc/grub.d/LS_Linux if you have it. The directory /etc/grub.d/proxifiedScripts/ will be regenerated next time execute grub-customizer with their files.

wants to say remove /etc/grub.d/LS_Linux and execute grub-customizer ?

Look into this topic -

I’m on Arch and not sure if this will work for you.

I fixed this problem by editing this file

sudo nano /etc/grub.d/proxifiedScripts/linux

in line 204 where this error occurs I deleted it and pasted the line from this topic link above
I just pasted this line instead of line 204

changed this >

linux=`version_find_latest $list`

into this >

linux=`echo $list | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -V | head -1 | cat`

now grub-customizer runs perfectly for me and grub-mkconfig runs without any errors


Definitely the best option around.

You can take a look here what you can do with rEFInd.

If anyone takes this fix, make a note. If Grub doesn’t make this change next release, you’ll have to re-apply it or figure out where the problem moved to. Ugh.

I’ve done these kind of fixes that I’ve found in the forums before and ultimately wound up having to undo them when the software itself updated. I’ll give it a few days to see if it sorts itself out and, if not, I’ll give this a try.

I wasn’t going to create an UbuntuOne account just to report the bug…

On this machine (EOS), I got rid of grub-customizer. I’m keeping it on my “tinker box” for now just to see if it sorts itself out.

Grub-Customizer, in general is strongly discouraged to be used by the Arch community, and perhaps by some other Linux distributions as well. Reason being, it is hard to revert things after an error occurs on any multiboot-systems. The number of errors reported about such situations using it speak for themselves.

Thing is, better to learn how grub works, and if needed to customize it oneself, the Arch way.


yea, it’s gone now. I just got playing around with customizing grub boot screens and grub-customizer has a convenient way of sorting and loading them. That’s kinda out of my system now so, I’m good with just plain grub.

Once you learn how Grub works, you may well apply your own ‘ding-a-dong theme’ look to it. But first and foremost in any multi-boot environment is to understand which OS you’re booting into is in control of the os-prober script. It’s way simpler to disable that on other OS’s you are running on your computer, than stumbling into any such pre-programmed troubles, only because you’ve been using Grub-Customizer, and you can’t find your way back, after the grub-package was updated on one of your distributions.

No real news(!) in this statement, but
Don’t loose hope!

Grub still work for me same good after this fix, after some updates have not ecountered this problem with line 204 again

The grub-customizer should be handled with care, it should only be used at your own risk. It’s a good target tool for those who know what they’re doing. Others will come and give their opinions about it.

GRUB-CUSTOMIZER is a piece of sht. Never use it . it will break the grub


Mind if I ask where you found that? I’m seeing the same issue.

You should find the file in /etc/grub.d/backup

You can expect errors when using grub customizer. It can also mess up grub worse than the issue we are currently dealt with. Just F.Y.I.

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I have tested this , and yeah grub customizer did not have any errors but after saving the config with in grub customizer , and a reboot after that , it went strait to the bios maybe i did needed to do sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg first but i did not tested that.