Latest grub bricked my system (grub_is_shim_lock_enabled not found)

I hadn’t notice it, I reinstalled the grub package again and got the same output.

:: To use the new features provided in this GRUB update, it is recommended
   to install it to the MBR or UEFI. Due to potential configuration
   incompatibilities, it is advised to run both, installation and generation
   of configuration:
     $ grub-install ...
     $ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

I find that quite odd because because unless a change is make the the grub configuration running “grub-mkconfig” shouldn’t be needed because grub-mkconfig generates the configuration for the grub-menu.

I did a bit digging and I found out why I thought that was the case. I have been away form Arch-based distributions for a while and it seems like since the Grub bug that happened 9 months ago both Arch and EndeavourOS now recommend running those when updating Grub.

The last time I ran Arch which was about 2-3 years ago that wasn’t the case, so the advice has changed. Seems like I learned something new today :slight_smile: Thanks!

Let me just try it and see what happens.

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