I have this issue since I installed the EndeavourOS plasma version.
if I shutdown my laptop and before it fully shutdown close the lid, it will not shutdown.
in this situation, laptop is not shutdown, and its not even usable and the only way is to force shutdown using power button.
this happened to me just in plasma. I had the Qtile version before and it never happened.
I don’t know if this is a plasma issue or EndeavourOS issue.
Depending on your environment, even if your laptop is fully encrypted, hackers can gain access to all the data stored on it if you leave it in sleep mode. Shutting down your laptop properly, or using hibernation and pre-boot authentication offer the best protection.
Cold boot attacks involve stealing information stored on a computer that hasn’t been shutdown properly, or left in a vulnerable sleeping state. They rely on data being left in memory.
Encryption keys and other sensitive information can then be stolen from memory and full access gained to the system. Most laptops are susceptible to such an attack, but the good news is you can prevent it from happening by taking the appropriate steps to leave your laptop in a safe state.
It is advised to always either shut down or hibernate their laptop, never just place it in sleep mode. Why hibernate instead of sleep? Because encryption keys aren’t stored in memory that way.
Again, it all depends on your environment where you leave your laptop and your security needs, but disabling sleep seems to be an extra security option you may be able to utilize if needed.
I set it on do nothing and again my laptop put to sleep.
I don’t want any special thing to happen. I just want if I want to shutdown and I close the lid, my laptop shutdown. if I want to hibernate and close the lid, hibernate…
Sorry for the late response. Have been away for a minute. Best way is check what happens when you do it, but honestly, in my experience lately, with all the data breaches taking place almost every other month, it’s best to have a little bit less convenience and more security, especially if a situation calls for it. I’ve been upping my 2FA and encryption efforts on everything I touch now. The safer you are the better you sleep. Now, more than ever, if data connects to the internet you’ve gotta lock it up to stay in the green.