retracted, sorry guys.
I’m pretty sure that entire channel is pro-Trump propaganda couched as autotuned “parody”.
On a related note, what’s the stance on political stuff on this forum?
You consider this crap political?
If it was starring a Greek fascist I think you’d probably look at it differently, no matter how catchy the tune was.
In this case, look beyond the surface-level lulz at what these videos are actually doing. Third-wave warfare is very real.
retracted, sorry Jonathon.
It doesn’t matter if you’re pro or anti anyone. It is still political. The whole channel/comment section seems to be pro-Trump with plenty of references to QAnon, so it’s conspiratorial too.
I’d suggest deleting the post before someone actually takes it politically.
IMO it’d be great if politics could just stay outside.
I’d prefer they did too - there are too many places that people are from to make any coherent discussion practical, anyway. Not to mention that they can be divisive, of course
In this time and age, it seems next to impossible to make any coherent discussion practical even within the same family. Exaggerated but still…
Let’s keep politics out of here as I wrote earlier over here