Krusader dont show picture previews

I have installed Krusader. I like the split view.
Somehow I can’t see the preview of the pictures?
Everything is displayed in Dolphin, I can’t seem to find the setting in krusader
Does anyone have a suggestion what I need to do?

F3 should show the picture. This is how it looks like …

❯  pacman -Ss thumbnail   
extra/ffmpegthumbnailer 2.2.3-2 [Installiert]
    Lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers
extra/ffmpegthumbs 24.08.1-1 (kde-applications kde-multimedia) [Installiert]
    FFmpeg-based thumbnail creator for video files
extra/gnome-epub-thumbnailer 1.8-1
    Thumbnailer for EPub and MOBI books
extra/jhead 3.08-2
    EXIF JPEG info parser and thumbnail remover
extra/kdegraphics-thumbnailers 24.08.1-1 (kde-applications kde-graphics) [Installiert]
    Thumbnailers for various graphics file formats
extra/kdesdk-thumbnailers 24.08.1-1 (kde-applications kde-sdk) [Installiert]
    Plugins for the thumbnailing system
extra/lsix 1.9.1-1
    Like ls, but for images, shows thumbnails in terminal using sixel graphics
extra/tumbler 4.18.2-2 (xfce4)
    Thumbnail service implementing the thumbnail management D-Bus specification

This is well known. After a bit of searching, I found this article.
Wait until Krusader is ported to KF6

You might want to try the -git version from the AUR:

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Is not necessary. Thanks anyway.

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