Hey all! After installing budgie and rebooting my system I found it extremely unresponsive…for 30 seconds before it froze my system. After some googling around I found a post on the archlinux forum claiming that the keyboard layout applet was the cause. So I reset it through the terminal and lo and behold : everything works. I don’t claim that it’s a memory leak issue for certain, but something clearly breaks and it’s related to budgie. (even before I reset the panel LXQT worked fine)
p.s : Please tell me if I should reformat this or if it’s a known issue, haven’t found anything on this forum about it.
p.p.s: just put the applet back and rebooted…another freeze
Hey @suffet,
Maybe I was not specific enough in a similar post here. As described here
if ibus-daemon is started before budgie-panel the ~/.config/dconf/user
will become unusable. (According to my experience as well) So in ~/.config/autostart I created budgie-panel.desktop
with the content of
It seems to work or be effective.
(I was wondering why the ‘ready to go’ time is so long and when CashyOS Budgie produced the same ‘Ooops Something went wrong’ error I copied the ~/.config/dconf/user database from EOS and then it gets ready faster than EOS although the systemd-analyze Startup times are almost the same.)
p.s. Once dconf/user has been spoiled a backed up / copied file can heal yr system except for reinstall.
edit: In case you want to play with CashyOS do not be deterred by the necessity of downloading some themes (gnome-look) and
installing sddm (systemctl disable ly.service + ~ enable sddm.service)