`kernel-install` generates a lot of new groups and users every time

Here’s the output from kernel-install that ran after an upgrade to the kernel. This happens every time kernel-install in run in any way (e.g. using reinstall-kernels).

Running kernel-install for 6.13.1-arch1-1
Creating group 'nobody' with GID 65534.
Creating group 'audio' with GID 996.
Creating group 'disk' with GID 995.
Creating group 'input' with GID 994.
Creating group 'kmem' with GID 993.
Creating group 'kvm' with GID 992.
Creating group 'lp' with GID 991.
Creating group 'optical' with GID 990.
Creating group 'render' with GID 989.
Creating group 'sgx' with GID 988.
Creating group 'storage' with GID 987.
Creating group 'tty' with GID 5.
Creating group 'uucp' with GID 986.
Creating group 'video' with GID 985.
Creating group 'users' with GID 984.
Creating group 'systemd-journal' with GID 983.
Creating user 'root' (Super User) with UID 0 and GID 0.
Creating user 'nobody' (Kernel Overflow User) with UID 65534 and GID 65534.
Creating group 'nobody' with GID 65534.
Creating group 'audio' with GID 996.
Creating group 'disk' with GID 995.
Creating group 'input' with GID 994.
Creating group 'kmem' with GID 993.
Creating group 'kvm' with GID 992.
Creating group 'lp' with GID 991.
Creating group 'optical' with GID 990.
Creating group 'render' with GID 989.
Creating group 'sgx' with GID 988.
Creating group 'storage' with GID 987.
Creating group 'tty' with GID 5.
Creating group 'uucp' with GID 986.
Creating group 'video' with GID 985.
Creating group 'users' with GID 984.
Creating group 'systemd-journal' with GID 983.
Creating user 'root' (Super User) with UID 0 and GID 0.
Creating user 'nobody' (Kernel Overflow User) with UID 65534 and GID 65534.

I’ve been noticing this for the last week or so. After this, things work as expected.

Happend here too…is not a problem.

Why would it do the same thing every single time? Doesn’t look like intended behavior to me.

probably 6.13 has some new patches … this is standard system group changes…

It is most likely a bug that these messages are displayed, even when using the --quiet paramater:

Also as far as I know these groups are not being created on your system, they are created in / for the initramfs dracut is building, hence why it happens every time a new initramfs is generated.


Thanks for linking to the bug. @HBR
This does seem like the issue to me, and I’ll close this thread here and follow that instead.

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