Kdotool - keeps appearing in updates today

Same version, over and over - any way to fix?

Try clearing Pacman’s cache sudo pacman -Scc && yay -Ycc then running:

sudo pacman -Syyu && yay -S kdotool-git

Unless you meant xdotool, then do:

sudo pacman -Syyu xdotool

Nope, still wants to reinstall, and yes, kdotool.

Are you using the AUR or direct from source?

aur obviously, “keeps appearing in updates”

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Have you already tried uninstalling, clearing the cache, then rebuilding/reinstalling?

Yes (renamed to folder kdotool-git-old), am not clearing the whole cache for one misbehaving package.

Another option is to completely uninstall yay, reinstall it, and try again.

Or to replace your current version of yay with another, like yay-git to yay-bin.

How is your yay installed? From EOS repo, direct from source, or AUR and which version do you have?

No, it is not a yay problem - it is a packaging problem.

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Reported on the aur page, will post back when it is fixed. I do not know enough about PKGBUILD syntax to sort my self :frowning: