Kde,two screen

i used cinnamon since some times and decide to give a try to kde but i have a problem;
indeed in cinnamon i have the habits when i put a software(audacious for ecample)on the second screen each time my pc boot and that i start a software wich was one one of the two screen it keep it in memory and start on the right screen .
but in kde it seems to not work automaticaly,have you some solutions?

thank’s julien

If you want to force an application to open on a certain screen you can do that using window rules.

Either do it through system settings or click the icon in the upper left hand corner of the application and select “More actions”->“Configure special application settings”.

Then click “Add property” and search for “screen”

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thank’s i have succeed

for people who want to know you select the property “position” and you select memorize(don’t be sure for the word in english)

For anyone wondering: the English version is “Position” (property) and “Remember” (mode) - this way the application will open on the screen where it was closed last time.
You may also want to use the “Apply Initially” mode where it opens on the same screen every time, even if you had moved the application before.

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