KDE Plasma 6(Wayland) - Touchpad Gestures (Proper Ones)

I know, i know…i had my fare share of corporate work too…They all suck.

They don’t - it’s just a fact.

It’s for project managers or something…how else can you possibly make them seem useful? :rofl:

Look mr. CEO - i monitor productivity of every worker. i’m so useful!!11

While in reality they’re just the most annoying obstacles on people who do the work.

Illusion of control ™

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Oh, I see. I have installed fusuma from the AUR, which has made a global install, whereas the install using gem install would be in ~/.local. I’ve just found the config file here:

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Situations like that is the reason why I’m trying to avoid AUR when it’s possible and not causing too much butt-pain.

I see, I will reinstall, the AUR version requires to run sudo fusuma… (it works though)
My problem is rather ydotool, I do not understand how to start the deamon. I have tried to follow diverse comments on github, but I always get an error like this one from fusuma:

failed to connect socket `/tmp/.ydotool_socket': No such file or directory
Please check if ydotoold is running.

Have you tried -

systemctl --user enable  ydotool.service
systemctl --user start  ydotool.service

I was missing the --user option. Thanks!

But ydotool is still throwing the same error.

$ systemctl --user status ydotool.service
× ydotool.service - Starts ydotoold service
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/ydotool.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2024-03-10 15:53:03 CET; 11min ago
   Duration: 5ms
    Process: 746 ExecStart=/usr/bin/ydotoold (code=exited, status=2)
   Main PID: 746 (code=exited, status=2)
        CPU: 5ms

So far, I could not get ydotool to work, but dotool works and seems easier / more intuitive.

OK, I could finally put everything together and get the pinch to close working in a Wayland session, even for KDE windows (using dotool) :smile:

Unfortunately, the KDE default gestures (especially the redundant 3-finger swipes left and right) are not overridden, they are clashing with custom gestures.

About this:

the explanation is certainly that you are using a single worspace, hence the inactive swipes left and right and limited usefulness of 4-finger swipes up and down.

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Yep, single workspace.
Mystery solved, I guess.

I’ve realised how fucked up this topic in Wayland when I continued to encounter posts of yours, Kresimir, at the other forums.

I had wasted several hours trying to find how KDE in the end implemented global shortcuts, at least a few examples of code.
Will try later to ask them directly in their Matrix server or email this italian KDE-guy from YouTube.

At this point, seems that the hack like ydotool did with a virtual input device as a daemon, is a clever idea when everything else is so obscure.


Another observation: fusuma is not required, touchegg+touché works as well when we issue a dotool or ydotool command.

Even in non XWayland apps?

Yes (I assume that Dolphin, KDE settings, Konsole, etc are native Wayland).

Well… touchegg crashes after 1 hour or 2, fusuma is certainly a cleaner option as touchegg is not supposed to work in a Wayland session.

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Talked to Nico a bit, well, it’s hardcoded in the KWin and there’s currently no way to interact with this functionality outside of it.