Hey there!
Is Breeze Dark theme not working properly for anyone else? It isn’t correctly changing windows. In Dolphin only the title bar and internal background have become dark, and the text hasn’t become white. It’s just all messed up.
Any thought on why that would be? I didn’t have these issues on Antergos, which is odd since aren’t we all still using Arch repos for the DEs?
Me paso algo parecido, no me dejaba cambiar algunas cosas en los temas y en los iconos.Lo que hice fue:
1 copia la carpeta del tema ark por si algo falla.
2 elimina del directorio la carpeta ark o renombrar.
3 descarga el tema o el que quieras al directorio y renombrada a ark.
thanks. but still no change for me.
why is the distro assuming for me how it should look? this is basically a deal breaker for me if it won’t give up control.
i think i removed all evidence of arc and xfce. no change after reinstall of KDE.
yearg. this should be a pretty simple affair. not a good first impression. maybe i’ll try a reinstall after the full installer is ready. but whoever is mucking about and preinstalling these themes and icons, please don’t.
I’m trying to understand what you are pointing out in your image. The folder colors? 
so, in comparison, here’s how Breeze Dark looks on my Antefree installs:

I found what looks like a related thread?
Something to do with qt5ct installed along with XFCE breaking things in KDE. I’ll report back after I try to track this down and see if that’s the issue.
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That was it.
Something pulled in qt5ct, maybe from the XFCE install. but it interferes with KDE.
after removal my theming is now working as intended.
I was just wondering because in the top image it looks like the view is set to show hidden files. Your last image doesn’t show them.
just a coincidence. i was showing hidden because i was digging around trying to figure out if there was some file or cache messing up my theming.
thanks for your help though!
Would like to see what your desktop looks like. I like the folder colors. Is that the standard breeze color? I don’t have a lot of experience on KDE Plasma as it never appealed to me but if i could ever figure out how to set it up nice on my desktop i might like it.