Just installed EndeavorOS i3/with MATE

I just installed EndeavorOS i3/with MATE on a VirtualBox VM.

I have an Artix install on one of my actual hardware devices, but… let’s just say there are somethings about tweaking a minimalist Archbased distro and configuration of EVERYTHING that leaves somethings to be desired sometimes.

Anyways, just checking out Endeavor. Not sure if this will be my driver or not.

But it looks great. Hats off the Endeavor team.


Hi @resofactor and welcome to the forum. VMs are always great to try things in


Totally. My favorite really is Virtual Box for testing things out.
Really lets you get a feel for an install before deploying onto hardware.

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Yer I always have one on my system at all times for trying out programs I’m not sure of and changes before using them on my system.

I’m sometimes tooooooo impatient to ‘wait’ for things and doing things twice.

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I still can be at times myself but most of that stuff I trust or know how to get myself out of any trouble I run into

Enjoy your time on EOS :enos:


I think I’m past the point and giving up on pamac on all future Linux installs, regardless.

Over the past week or so I’ve learned more about Yay, Trizen, and Paru, and learning how to use ‘helpers’ and work with command line package management - and use timeshift-autosnap now.


The theming isn’t too bad.
Can honestly say I’m not a fan of many other distro themes I see out there.
Will see how an eventual hardware test install goes.

Thanks much, Danny.


One thing I advise people is never stop learning. I have learnt so much by following different issues and stuff on the forums and just trying out different things.

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That’s ‘part of’ another reason ‘why’ I’m here.

I’ve tried requesting a NEW PASSWORD request time and time and time again (several times) via the Artix forum website, and for some reason (either the forum admins or the site software) - isn’t honoring my request for a new password to be able to access their freaking forums for support!

Artix is NOT like other typical distros being a non-SystemD init and has waaaaaay much different issues - you NEED forum and community access/support for.

So if I won’t get that community/access support with Artix, I’ll go where I do! :smiley:
It’s really been a rather frustrating time with Artix.

I need a distro that can handle music-video and apps, provide multi DEs/TWM/etc. like that without a high overhead, bookoo package options, and still Arch (but stable - BTW) lol

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minimalism is subjective–I can handle a bloated DE and tear enough out of it to achieve your same aims: minimalism.
I love hearing stories about how people got here. I was not an Arch person. I would not have found Arch thru Arch [I thought it was an easy install despite its nasty reputation], or Garuda, or Artix. All were not me…Endeavour was the only Arch face I responded to–very well. It had a clear ethos. That’s a credit, IMO, to Bryan and Joe. Now I’m here I cannot imagine anything else.
If we had an official JWM I would probably go that direction. down the road.
welcome btw

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OMG - some of the guys on the ‘other’ Linux Telegram group too (not our Endeavor’s Group BTW) - eeeeesh. Considering the multifaceted types of people draw to Linux (and the sometimes toxic nature) - it’s really a mixed bag the type of community different distros attract.

Honestly speaking, this is one of the first Linux-type communities I’ve had mostly pleasant exchanges in, that didn’t feel like a bunch of elitist Arch-Nazis -BTW. lol

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I think I have more junk files than bloat on my system with all the different things I’ve been experimenting with

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I think I used bloat wrong…not like windows…I just meant a traditional DE compared to a WM may seem bloated. that said everytime I vacuum out my journactl logs 50 GB re-appear, due to my junk as well!

yeah for mental health I don’t follow any guys :slight_smile:

It’s not arch forums (you have to read a lot of those nasty things to fix some stuff and people here will refer you to arch forum posts where there is no decorum except RTFM sometimes). Endeavour does not resemble that–people take their time and explain and don’t kick you in the crotch. People will stay up all night to help you here. Lots of cats with a wicked sense of humor and great tastes in music keep me here :wink:


Trust me, I RTFM when I can - and have consulted online forums and Search for questions answers time and time and time again. I am proactive and not just some passive pleb. (Admittingly don’t know everything in the Linux-sphere) :wink:

Also - sometimes you have to go to the specific app/group what you’re trying to do applies to. General OS requests go to the proper/relavant distro sources, but for certain things like music/video apps or Live Coding - you really need to hit those communities for those relevant questions :wink:

Sometimes ‘crotch-kicking’ is justified though much of the time it really isn’t. Plus I deal with enough ‘crotch-kicking’ in startupland as-is. lol

Hey! Good to have you with us! EOS does smoothen off a few rough edges, whether that’s just not having time, or needing a stable base platform that adds a little more convenience, I think it’s a really great middle-ground, freedom to tweak, but not grind up against the stuff that really should be part of a baseline. Enjoy the journey!

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My install of Supercollider went off without a hitch.
This is already a good start.

Thanks much for the support and comment.