Just did a virtual box install

Just did a virtual box install, with guest additions, it is now full screen.
Looks great. Did a little customizing.

Coming from Debian based distros, miss Synaptic, scared of the command line.


Welcome to the EndeavourOS forum.

Don’t worry, the command line doesn’t bite, much. Seriously, you’re in a good spot for help with your Linux journey.

I try to think but nothing happens!


Looks great. Use yay to install pamac-aur. It’s a nice guy for pacman

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Giving it a shot. Using instructions from here.https://switchedtolinux.com/installing-pamac-on-arch-with-yay/

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Once you go pamac you’ll never go synaptic! With pamac and pacman and a lot of different tools you can install just about anything you’re looking for. The best thing here is the help you’ll get and how much you will learn. How much you learn and how deep you dive in is entirely up to you. You won’t be disappointed. Endeavour is awesome.

That was my experience :wink:

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