Its 2022, what DE/WM will you be using/switching to?

That will be decided in March.

Last year in March I switched from Gnome to KDE purely out of curiosity to see how KDE has evolved over the last 10 years, because at that point I haven’t used/tried KDE for over 10 years.

And to live up to this meme and trigger it properly:

/Trigger On
Yes, from my perspective KDE is just right for Windows fans and for those who like it colorful, fresh, childish, cluttered, and complicated. For people who like to get upset about other (mostly Gnome) desktops, ride a racing bike, are vegan, do Crossfit, love multivans, drink smoothies, and tell everyone unprompted and immediately that they actually use GNU+Linux, which of course Arch Linux is based on, and that KDE is the best thing on earth.
/Trigger Off

No, joking aside. KDE was and is really great to use. For my purpose (just browsing the web, SSHing into other machines, playing some games and running applications) any desktop will do. I like to use Gnome as well. Even a little more, because I can add my weather addon and hardware sensor addon to the top bar without any effort and without configuring anything.

Translated with (free version)