Italian language using Nemo on budgie

I love endevour os with budgie
Only one thing : Nemo translation are mixed
Italian and English .
It would be better only Italian .
Thanks and compliments for the best os Linux ever made !

Hello @Antonio77
welcome to the purple universe :purple_heart: :rocketa_purple: :penguin_face: :enos_flag: :enos:

Do you have the package cinnamon-translations installed?

If not, then install it, it is the translation package for Nemo.


Thanks a lot
I will install the cinnamon package

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except for File, Home, Desktop and Computer I don’t see English texts

I installed
yay -S cinnamon-translations
and now it’s perfect
Nemo is completely in Italian language
Before it was half Italian and half english
Thanks to show me the way to do it !

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OMG … I just installed EndeavourOS Budgie and was wondering that Nemo is only in English language. I need German language, and so I tried installing cinnamon-translations and guess what, it works! Great. :+1:

Strange that a package named “cinnamon” is needed in Budgie also. :wink:

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Not strange at all. Nemo is made by the Linux Mint Team which are the devs for Cinnamon.


I know that. For me, it sounds strange to install a Cinnamon package in Budgie Desktop. That’s all. :wink:


Well then, my system must seem like chaos to you.

xfce4-terminal, nemo, dolphin, engrampa, lxappearance, etc.

Xfce, Cinnamon, KDE, Mate, and LXDE apps all on the same system.
Only one actual DE, though (Cinnamon). :sweat_smile:

I resolved with cinnamon translation.
Now it’s all perfect