Issue with VPN (ProtonVPN)


I am using ProtonVPN. GUi app where I set all needed things.
But when my laptop goes to sleep, or in idle for more than 30 min, when I wake up laptop, it says that is connected to my wifi (green color), but actually it is not as it thinks that is connected to vpn(yellow color).

To solve that, i need to disconnect VPN connection.

Is there any faster workaround , to have vpn all the time on ?


Did you try their CLI version? How to use the official Linux CLI

Help is written using Manjaro but it’s available in AUR so you don’t need to use pamac. Just use an AUR helper like yay or paru.

~ …
➜ yay -Ss protonvpn-cli
aur/protonvpn-applet 0.1.7-1 (+3 0.00) 
    Unofficial basic systray applet for protonvpn-cli written in python + PyQt5
aur/protonvpn-cli-community-git 2.2.10.r3.g3614101-1 (+4 0.00) (Orphaned) 
    A Community Linux CLI for ProtonVPN
aur/protonvpn-cli-community 2.2.11-2 (+6 1.01) 
    A Community Linux CLI for ProtonVPN
aur/protonvpn 1.0.0-3 (+56 1.91) 
    Official ProtonVPN metapackage that installs protonvpn-gui and protonvpn-cli, maintained by the ProtonVPN team.
aur/protonvpn-cli 3.13.0-2 (+92 2.25) 
    Official ProtonVPN Command Line Interface, maintained by the ProtonVPN team.

But I think a VPN connection does act funny when computers go to sleep and come out of it. Because the service gets stopped and restored but the client doesn’t know that because the system restores the last saved system status.

So the system shows the connections as connected but truly the connections are down. The status gets refreshed when you disconnect and reconnect the VPN client. I don’t think there is a workaround for this. But there might be someone who might know more than me.


Thanks for the info.
No,I didnt tried CLI version because GUI is easier :slight_smile: or I always thought the same, hehe

Is there any difference between gui and cli ? I think that my issue will persist with both of them

I think the main difference is in how you interact with the client. But CLI is a bit different than GUI. But I don’t think this will solve your problem because of the part I described in my prior reply.

VPN client status gets restored not the connection which is down. So, the client shows as the connection are up but in reality, it’s down. You need to disconnect which will refresh the client UI. It would be better to just disconnect the VPN before you put the computer to sleep or hibernate.

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I had installed CLI already. And damn, it is much easier to use. and faster xD